The Tres-Zeros Club: Meet the 500 species on iNat with at least 1,000 observations!

Over 112,000 species have checked in on iNaturalist from over 4.7 million observations. But they're not all equally represented. While many species are represented by just a few observations each, some like the Western Fence Lizard are each represented by over 10,000 observations!

Today we passed an interesting milestone. For the first time, the top 500 species on iNaturalist (ranked by number of observations) are each represented by at least 1,000 observations. They are lead by heavy-hitters like the Great Blue Heron, Monarch Butterfly, and Honey Bee. Upstarts like the White Nose Coati, Variable Checkerspot, and American Redstart are the newest members of the tres-zeros club.

As expected, most of these species are birds, plants, and insects. But even a few Fungi (Turkey Tail, Fly Agaric) and Mollusks (Garden Snail, Milk Snail) are in the club.

Posted on June 3, 2017 10:34 PM by loarie loarie


How cool!

Posted by mchlfx over 7 years ago


Posted by jfox16 over 7 years ago

The number of birds up there in the list is pretty awesome. I have a fence lizard sighting from today to enter so I'll be adding to that.

Posted by vermfly over 7 years ago

My question is what is going to be the NEXT species to enter the 1,000 club.

Posted by vermfly over 7 years ago

Awesome. iNat is not "only" tracking biodiversity, which alone would already be incredible, but the Tres-Zeros Club may be collecting other kind of data as most visit nature touristic destinations and areas of nature valorization by people, which could soon be correlated with several kinds of databanks pointing out conservation actions to make our cities greener and improved life quality for everyone :)

Posted by sandrovonmatter over 7 years ago

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