Video: An entomologist guided tour of home arthropods

If you are looking for inspiration, check out a new video that follows NC State University Entomologist Matt Bertone as he explores the wild crooks and crannies of a home. He has some cool facts about spitting spiders, book lice, and the best places to look for arthropods in your own home.

Video by UNC-TV Science, featuring beautiful arthropod photos by Matt Bertone.

Posted on August 16, 2018 08:41 PM by laurenmnichols laurenmnichols


Posted by tonyrebelo about 6 years ago

Homes only, or all indoor spaces (like office buildings)?

Posted by daniel112 almost 6 years ago

Hi daniel112, Thanks for asking. We are focused mostly on homes but feel free to add other indoor spaces - just add a note in the description so that we know it was in a different kind of indoor space, that way we can subset the data if necessary.

Posted by laurenmnichols almost 6 years ago

@laurenmnichols , thanks for clarifying other indoor spaces (offices, hotels, etc) count.
Would the interior of an attached garage or an attic be okay too, as they're still part of the house and indoors?
Or do they fit the letter of the project but not the spirit?

Posted by star3 over 4 years ago

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