California Lichen Society (CALS) annual meeting and 25th birthday celebration at the UC Davis Quail Ridge Reserve

CALS Annual Meeting at UC Davis’ Quail Ridge Reserve, near Lake Berryessa

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California Lichen Society Annual Meeting
January 25-27, 2019
UC Davis Quail Ridge Reserve, on Lake Berryessa

The California Lichen Society (CALS) annual meeting and 25th birthday celebration will be held at the UC Davis Quail Ridge Reserve during the last weekend in January 2019.

Posted on January 1, 2019 10:42 PM by yerbasanta yerbasanta


From website:

As always, meeting activities are open to CALS members and also to members of the public. Because of limited access to the Reserve, anyone interested in attending must RSVP to Those who choose to attend will fill out a Google doc for arrival and departure, accommodations, plus pot luck contribution and ride-sharing. Participants must also sign UC photo and liability waivers. Maps and geographic coordinates will be distributed to those who RSVP. Tent cabin and camping accommodations are available at the ranch for $10/person/night if you wish to spend Thursday, Friday or Saturday nights.

Posted by yerbasanta almost 6 years ago

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