Chile - iNaturalist World Tour

Chile - iNaturalist Tour Mundial

Chile is the 38th stop on the iNaturalist World Tour. Here top observers like @patrich and @diegoalmendras along with @ieremiel, @orlandomontes, @crriquelme2, and others are clustered around the center of the country near Santiago and Conception. Observations from visitors like @tonyrebelo and @damontighe are clustered to the south around Valdivia and Punta Arenas respectively. Check out this Observation of the Week post about a moth encounter near Reserva Costera Valdiviana by @bernardo_segura.

Chile es la 38a parada en el iNaturalist Tour Mundial. Aquí los mejores observadores como @patrich y @diegoalmendras junto con @ieremiel, @orlandomontes, @crriquelme2 y otros se agrupan alrededor del centro del país cerca de Santiago y Concepción. Las observaciones de visitantes como @tonyrebelo y @damontighe se agrupan al sur alrededor de Valdivia y Punta Arenas, respectivamente. Mira esto publicación de "
observación de la semana"
sobre un encuentro de polillas cerca de la Reserva Costera Valdiviana por @bernardo_segura.

In the last two years, iNaturalist has grown rapidly in Chile. The peak in April of this year is from City Nature Challenge Santiago organized by @mariamicra, @luzvaleria and @paula303 with @celeste53 and @daniela_bertens as the top observers. For a historical perspective, here's a post from 2017 that features the activities in Chile by , @jorgeeduardo, @palomanunezfarias, @archiverde, @salvanaturalista, and @josecortezecheverria.

En los últimos dos años, iNaturalist ha crecido rápidamente en Chile. El pico en abril de este año es de Reto Naturalista Urbano: Santiago organizado por @mariamicra, @luzvaleria y @paula303 con @celeste53 y @daniela_bertens como los mejores observadores. Para una perspectiva histórica, aquí está una publicación de 2017 que presenta las actividades en Chile por @jorgeeduardo, @palomanunezfarias, @archiverde, @salvanaturalista y @josecortezecheverria.

@michaelweymann is the top identifier in Chile. In addition to being top observers, @diegoalmendras and @patrich are top identifiers for plants and birds and also insects. Thanks to other top identifiers such as @crriquelme2, @cstobie, and @hualo!

@michaelweymann es el principal identificador en Chile. Además de ser los mejores observadores, @diegoalmendras y @patrich son los mejores identificadores de plantas y aves y también de insectos. ¡Gracias a otros identificadores principales como @crriquelme2, @cstobie y @hualo!

What can we do to help iNaturalist grow in Chile? Please share your thoughts below or on this forum thread

¿Qué podemos hacer para ayudar a iNaturalist a crecer en Chile? Comparta sus pensamientos a continuación o en este hilo del foro.

@patrich @diegoalmendras @tonyrebelo @ieremiel @damontighe @michaelweymann @cstobie @hualo @orlandomontes @crriquelme2

We’ll be back tomorrow with the Austria!

¡Volveremos mañana en Austria!

Posted on July 31, 2019 11:03 PM by loarie loarie


Seems GADM losed our oceanic islands, but not sure how that works. It's really nice to see this post in Spanish and in English. iNat is a really safe place (I mean is kind and free of microviolence, unlike naturalist groups on facebook), and it makes me happy to see how this community have grow over the last time, we have a lot of smart and curious people here, giving their time and knowledge to improve the data, so, to me, is a really beauty thing.
I have no idea how to improve iNat in Chile, I feel like a lot of people want to be in, but over time they stop entering the site. In addition, there is a gender bias in observers, for some reason there are less women identifying species in Chile, that could be an interesting point to address.

Posted by diegoalmendras about 5 years ago

Chile was a community on iSpot (so was Hong Kong & southern Africa - but s Afr migrated in 2017). But on iSpot Chile never took off - over 8 years it amassed 3318 observations (of which 1526 were mine). In theory it was promoted by the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity, but although some staff were interested, it never got promoted by the seniors, and was never an important item on the coordinator's job list.

Given the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity's goal of "... purpose is to promote dialogue and relationships with the public. Maintaining collaboration networks and training scientists are other fundamental aspects of the IEB’s framework." its lack of a Citizen Science platform and specifically a Virtual Museum platform are striking deficiencies. Perhaps it is time again to approach the Institute and suggest this? iNat is a superb tool, not only for collecting data (sorry to those iNatters who see the site is primarily an observation and ID site, but it is FAR more!), but especially for involving public in national and regional projects, for public education and promotion, and for synthesizing data for national assessments for Red Lists, State of Biodiversity, and conservation status - and all with remarkably low overheads and costs.

Chile is the glaringly obvious Mediterranean Ecosystem that is lacking a strong Citizen Science initiative: California, South Africa, Australia, Portugal-Spain-France-Italy all have very active CS communities and promotion. How can we help them join the fold?

Posted by tonyrebelo about 5 years ago

In general there are more male observers/identifiers in top positions in iNat.

Posted by annemirdl about 5 years ago

In the top iNat identifiers, graysquirrel 9 and grnleaf 24 are the only obvious females in the top 25 - and indeed among those currently with more than 100k Identifications (top 30).

All the top 10 are male in Europe, South America, New Zealand, but not Australia (where determining sex is somewhat difficult) and southern Africa (20% female)

Posted by tonyrebelo about 5 years ago

@diegoalmendras - thanks for mentioning the islands which are cutoff in the above figure. here's an alt figure that does include Easter Island, San Felix Island, San Ambrosio Island, Alejandro Selkirk Island, Robinson Crusoe Island. They too small to show up with the current styling, but hover over Valparaíso and they become visible. It does look like the current version of GADM is missing Salas y Gomez Island, though. Since they don't show up with the styling and none of the top 50 users are centered on these islands so probably not worth adding this to the post above?

Posted by loarie about 5 years ago

I'm sure researchers, and stakeholders, and politicians do not yet understand the benefits of citizen science, and therefore do not understand the benefits of iNat can have. Quizás nosotros / iNat debería apuntar a este punto. I guess IEB, or another institution should address again the initiative, as now iNat in Chile shows strong numbers and an incipient and fresh community. Also, now we have a new Science Ministry, but I'm not really sure if citizen science will have a place there. Maybe, for the mediterranean zone in Chile, we could replicate/adapt the different strategies done in these countries, and add the wine industry and agribusiness that have a strong impact in the area.

Posted by diegoalmendras about 5 years ago

But the Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad (IEB) runs three stations, - all with public programmes.

Bosque Fray Jorge National Park - "This is a scientific tourism project launched in 2014, with the primary objective of promoting development of special interest tourism in and around the park, offering added value to tourism products, and strengthening the economic, environmental and sociocultural development of the area through linking scientific knowledge and information technologies with the tourism industry, local communities, and visitors to the park. ..."

The Senda Darwin Biological Station (EBSD) - "One of the EBSD’s priorities is establishing effective lines of communication with the local community, and as part of this effort, the center hosts a program of guided visits and ecology workshops for the public. Around 200 school children and other local and foreign visitors follow the station’s “Pichihuillilemu” nature trail each year, learning about the flora, fauna and ecology of the forests of Chiloé and the scientific activities of researchers at the biological station. "
Omora Ethnobotanical Park - "This program was launched in 2002 based on the concept of sustainable and ethical tourism, and places particular emphasis on small living things or communities which tend to go unnoticed by most people. ... The program seeks to reveal these tiny inhabitants and the sub-Antarctic forests through the metaphor of ecotourism with a hand lens, inviting visitors to the Omora Park to observe them along specially designed circuits through the park ..."
It seems that Citizen Science Virtual Museums - like iNaturalist - would be a perfect tool to execute, promote and advertize these programmes. For instance : :

or even better:
It is a no brainer ...

Posted by tonyrebelo about 5 years ago

En respuesta a la pregunta ¿Qué podemos hacer para ayudar a iNaturalist a crecer en Chile?, mi opinión es que Inat apadrine a una especie en peligro de Extinción como por ejemplo, el Moscardón (Bombus dalbomii) y ayude a visibilizar la inacción del gobierno frente a esta situación para que acoja las medidas sugeridas por la UICN para intentar revertir esta situación, aún cuando ya existe un grupo de Ciencia Ciudadana (Salvemos Nuestra Abejorro) pero que no hemos logrados avance significativos en este afán.
A mi me ocupa la biodiversidad y participo de otras redes de Ciencia Ciudadana, me parece que todas suman para lograr sensibilizar a la comunidad acerca de la importancia de la Biodiversidad y su identificación, porque, se ama y protege solo lo que se conoce (mayormente). Bueno, eso!
Saludos y buen afán!

Posted by orlandomontes about 5 years ago

Hello everyone, apparently I am one of the few women in Chile in this conversation. Just thank #inaturalist for keeping us connected and motivated! We need more support from international organizations to open the eyes to decision makers and scientists that many things can be achieved with the participation of people motivated in science! We have many challenges in biodiversity for Chile. I am glad that the community of naturalists has grown very fast and we have energy to continue growing :) Thank @diegoalmendras @michaelweymann and others for identifying my observations!

Posted by palomanatural about 5 years ago

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