(1) Start Here

  1. The first step is to JOIN THE PROJECT:
    Click the 'join project' link at the top right-hand corner of the project page.

    Read our resource pages and design your garden, species and fixtures. Have questions? Ask them in our troubleshooting page or reach-out to us, we will do our best to help you in your journey!

    On a desktop view of iNaturalist, head to your profile, under your user-name there is a series of blue tabs. choose Journal.

Create a 'New Post'
TITLE: Nature Canada Pollinator Garden Challenge
BODY: Tell us about your project. If you are stuck for ideas, feel free to use as many ideas as you would like from the following template.
AREA Identified for my garden: tell us about the space that you chose to plant, where, what size, is it exposed, did you have to get permission to use it?
BEFORE: what is the state of the situation before you planted? were there plants? did you have to prepare the space at all? did you have to remove invasive plants?
TARGET SPECIES: do you have any species that you really want to attract to your garden? how are you going to do that? why are you interested in supporting that species? what is their IUCN status? etc.
PLANTS: What plants did you decide to plant? where did you source them? did you plant any non-native species?
GARDEN DESIGN: How did you incorporate wind breaks/ water sources? What is the exposure of your garden? Are there other wild spaces nearby? did you decide to amend the soil?
DATE: when did you plant your garden?
OTHER: links to project posts on social media, personal blogs, etc. Resources that you found particularly useful? What you wish you'd known before you started?
Creating this profile will allow people to look up your garden and understand what you did!

  1. Upload your observations:
    Upload observations of the species observed in your pollinator garden!
    This can include the plants, the pollinators or any other visitors to your little sanctuary.
    Comment, share and help others identify the species seen!

Posted on March 6, 2020 06:53 PM by larafalkiner larafalkiner


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