Time for Some Beautiful Crab Images!

Isn't this a good time to enjoy some wonderful crab observations? “Crabs of the World” now has 1,360 species of crabs, an increase of 34 in less than three months. First, here are six of the crabs that are new to iNaturalist, followed by a few other spectacular images. Many thanks, as always, to all of you 491 intrepid marine biologists, divers, photographers, and tide pool explorers! I try to scan through iNaturalist crab observations every few days to add new ones to the project, but don’t see them all. Please don’t forget to add your own crabs to the project, and feel free to add other crab observations, and to alert me if you see a new species. Stay safe. -Wendy (@wendy5)

Here are a few of the new species:

A Pinnixa franciscana (pea crab) by @kestrel in California:

A Scleroplax granulata (Burrow Pea Crab) also by @kestrel in California:

A Eurypodius longirostris (a Spider Crab) by @heather340 in the Falkland Islands:

A Liagore rubromaculata (a Round Crab) by @samuelprakash in India:

A Pagurus albidianthus by @jovirens in New Zealand:

A Metopaulias depressus (Sesarmid Marsh Crab) by @birdernaturalist in Jamaica:

And here are some more amazing crabs:

A well-adorned Dorippidae by @djscho in Indonesia:

An Arcania (Purse Crab) by @jimgreenfield in the Philippines:

A photo of another stunning crab by @jimgreenfield, Calappa capellonis in Indonesia:

A beautiful crab, Genus Euxanthus, by @g_patil in India:

A Matuta victor (Common Moon Crab) that looks like a snowflake by @msone in Malaysia:

An expertly camouflaged Schizophrys aspera (Ornamental Spider Crab) by @minivet in the Philippines:

And a Common Rock Crab with an uncommon tattooed arm by @jovirens in New Zealand:

Posted on March 29, 2020 01:10 AM by wendy5 wendy5


Thanks, Wendy, for some wonderful, interesting images to cheer up a dreary day :-)

Posted by pamdarrow over 4 years ago

Thank you so much, Wendy for a wonderful collection of crabs.

Posted by samuelprakashb over 4 years ago

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