Welcome to City Nature Challenge 2020: Omaha Metro!

Welcome to City Nature Challenge 2020: Omaha Metro! We are so excited for this years event! Here in Omaha we have great biodiversity that can be observed through our communities such as backyards, parks, areas to walk, etc. While we won’t be hosting in-person events on the weekend of City Nature Challenge we will be posting journals everyday leading up to remind you of our exciting event as well as activities and what our Special Partners, throughout the Metro, are doing to help spread this fun and exciting experience. The dates for observations are April 24th- 27th and we encourage them to be done while adhering to safe and healthy protocols. Be sure to check back tomorrow for some more information and your first activity!!

Posted on April 1, 2020 10:07 PM by omahazoo omahazoo


Thank you, I look forward to this every year.

Posted by hjhill about 4 years ago

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