Friday 4/17 10-11AM Insect Walk at Coyote Creek Visitor Center

Well, a virtual walk at least.

Coyote Creek Insect Walk
Apr 17, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Virtual tour at Coyote Creek Visitor Center
RSVP for videoconference link

This is a beautiful and diverse area, where deer and turkeys are often seen, and sometimes a bobcat or a coyote too. We will take you for a short walk, and search for insects on the trees and inside the creek. The water here is pretty clean, supporting high diversity of aquatic invertebrates. They look amazing under a magnifying glass!

The walk is streamed live, and you can interact through chat with the presenters.

This event is sponsored by Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful, a community partnership between, Saved By Nature, and Virtual Photo Walks.

Posted on April 17, 2020 03:42 AM by debkccb debkccb


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