City Nature Challenge Countdown - 8 days away

We're participating in the challenge this year. Your observations will automatically be added to the SF Bay Area project. However, we ask that as you record your observations, please also add to this project.

A message from the City Nature Challenge SF Bay Area team on 4/14/20:

Hi San Francisco Bay Area friends!

We hope all of you are staying safe & healthy currently, and are still enjoying nature in some capacity right now.

Can you believe the City Nature Challenge starts in just ten days??? Though the CNC is markedly different this year thanks to our current weird & uncertain circumstances, we hope you're still looking forward to participating - in whatever way you can, that keeps you & your family & your community safe, and following all COVID-19 regulations.

We're excited to see what interesting observations people make of the wild nature they can find - in their houses, in backyards, in neighborhoods! If you're allowed to go to your local parks, be sure to check all new guidelines and rules ahead of time, and of course practice social/physical distancing.

We have some resources available about looking for nature around your home and a fun Bay Area backyard/neighborhood bingo sheet available on our Academy CNC webpage. We're also working on a "most wanted" species list, where more observations in urban/suburban spaces in the Bay Area are needed. If you have a species you think should be on that list, tell us in the comments!

Stay safe, friends! We look forward to getting out in nature with you in the future!
-Alison (@kestrel) & Rebecca (@rebeccafay)

Posted on April 18, 2020 05:26 PM by debkccb debkccb


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