Observation Period Complete - Now to Identify

That's right, the observation period is complete, but City Nature Challenge 2020 is far from over with! Here's how you can help:

Finish uploading your April 24-27 observations:
As long as your photos were taken April 24 - 27, then you can upload them through May 3 and have them count for the City Nature Challenge.

Help with identifications:
In the same way that anyone can be an observer, anyone can help identify observations. In iNaturalist, go to your city’s project, click “Observations” and you’ll see an “Identify” button pop up just below it. Clicking this will take you to the iNaturalist Identify page and show you all of your city’s observations that still need to be identified. From this page, you can restrict what it shows you by taxon, which helps if you know how to ID certain groups. If you’re not an expert in any group, you can still help by identifying the “unknowns” - the observations with no IDs at all! Click the “Filters” button and then select the dashed-line leaf with a question mark in it. This will show you all the observations that are currently listed as “unknown.” It’s really helpful to go through these and add high-level IDs like “plants” or “insects” or “birds” or “fungi” - whatever you know about the organism - so people who do know how to ID these groups down to species can find them!

No matter what, please only add an ID of which you can be reasonably sure - it’s fine if you don’t know what something is, and it’s fine to only add a genus or family or even kingdom level ID.

Mark observations as "not wild"
If you know you made observations of organisms that were not wild, but forgot to select "captive/cultivated" before uploading them, please do so now! Every observation has a "Data Quality Assessment" at the bottom of the page, one of the lines says "Organism is Wild." Go ahead and click the thumbs down on that line. Once you've done that for your observations, you can also look through the other observations made in your city and help us out by doing the same: if you see an observation of something that is OBVIOUSLY not wild (a plant growing in a pot, a fish in a fish tank, a vegetable in a garden, etc.), then go ahead and click that thumbs down for "Organism is Wild!"

A big thank you to everyone who is participating! Now get out there and ID some observations!

Posted on April 28, 2020 06:34 PM by a2naturalareapreservation a2naturalareapreservation


What about casual sightings, I never enter these on iNaturalist. However, for many birds photos were not obtained. Additionally, for many mosses I tear them apart to identify under a dissecting scope, so also no photos, thus not entered on iNat. Should I enter these regardless?
Michael Kielb

Posted by makielb over 4 years ago

BTW, I identify all mosses using a rather detailed key, just to be clear, that relies on 'leaf' structure and reproductive parts.


Posted by makielb over 4 years ago

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