
Hello friends and welcome to Cuyahoga Valley National Park’s Wildflower project! We hope this project helps you learn cool, new things about CVNP’s wildflowers!

Each week, we will post a Weekly Wildflower Feature where we highlight a group of wildflowers that are blooming in our park. We hope you'll keep an extra eye out for these flowers and add them to the project. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t find the blooms in our Weekly Wildflower Feature; CVNP’s flowers are rapidly changing, so there’s always hope for next week!

Stay tuned for this week’s Wildflower Feature. Happy iNatting!

Posted on May 26, 2020 09:59 PM by mklein1216 mklein1216


Thanks you for creating this project. I have a deep interest in wildflowers, bees, butterflies, etc

check out my other postings under "reiser"

I will start taking more wildflower photos in the CVNP

Posted by reiser over 4 years ago

@reiser Thanks Denny! We're so glad to hear that you're jazzed about this project. Please, add as many wildflowers to the project as you can bear!
Did you see the CVNP Facebook post yesterday? We featured one of your photos actually for this week's Weekly Wildflower Feature: Buttercups!
I'll keep my eye on your observations and help ID what I can. Thanks again!

Posted by mklein1216 over 4 years ago

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