First Week

Hello birders, we are now officially a week into the 2020 Inland Pacific Northwest Raptor Migration. Since I believe those who attended last year enjoyed it, I've created a new project for this year's migration. Sure, it's July, isn't it a little early for migration? Well, I saw Western Sandpipers yesterday, not exactly the same type of bird but you can never be too cautious when it comes to nomadic raptors. This post is going to accomplish this things. Those who've automatically had their observations submitted to the project because it fit the perimeters, I'm assuming you're residential birders in the area due to Covid-19. So if you wish to join the project because you find it interesting, awesome! I'll submit a post weekly where I choose my favorite photo submitted for the week or maybe comment on a cool sighting. Here's the list of people who've had their sighting automatically added to the project. @kenchamberlain @hcaldeira @josegarrido @jeilers @cgates326 @stephstrag @the-catfish @salamandertrav As a brief recap on the project's purpose, it is to photograph every raptor (Cathartiformes, Accipitriformes, Falconiformes, Strigiformes) between the Cascades eastern slope to the western Idaho border. In a nutshell that means the Columbia River Basin in Washington and the central Oregon mountain ranges. I'm wondering if this year, we can grab all 35 possible raptorial species in these locations, even including the slim chance a White-tailed Kite might show up. I'm using this information to also determine population of each species and perhaps shade some light on Red-tailed Hawk variation. This year, I'll also try and keep up the photo of the week for the project. From the short list of 15 observations over the week, I particularly like cgates326's female Swainson's Hawk sighted in Gilliam County, Oregon on the 4th. I believe some honorable mentions includes kenchamberlain's Northern Pygmy-Owl and not to pat myself on the back, I thought baby osprey were pretty cool but photo quality is crummy. So if you read through this, I'm happy that someone is interested. Let's see what other cool raptors we can see this month. PS - This is a message for those who happen to live on the west side of the state. I do know last year @chrisleearm created a branch-off project based on this for that particularly side of the state. I don't know if he's doing it this year, which is why I tagged him but hopefully it all works out. Thanks again!
Posted on July 9, 2020 05:01 AM by birdwhisperer birdwhisperer


Thanks for tagging me @birdwhisperer I was waiting to see if you were going to do one this year or not.

Posted by chrisleearm almost 4 years ago

How fun! I am working for the Forest Service so I've been in Lakeview, OR since May. We are leaving to Idaho next month so I will be sure to photograph all the raptors I find before then!

Posted by stephstrag almost 4 years ago

Excited! Can't wait to contribute!

Posted by josegarrido almost 4 years ago

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