2000+ Observations

Thank you, our two combined projects now have over 2000 observations. see them all here.


Hello and thank you

We've had an amazing response to our Exmoor Wildwatch and Exmoor from Home projects on iNaturalist.

On Friday night we went over 2000 wildlife observations between the two projects and still climbing

As I'm filming this on Saturday morning on top of Winsford Hill near Tarr steps we have had

227 people make 2024 observations of 818 different species.

And the best bit is the 417 other people who have helped them identify what they have found.  This includes some real world class experts as well as people like myself who look up research and learn for other peoples findings as we try and help.

So let's have a look at a few of my favorites.

First we had better look at our 2000th observation first which is this

Eyebright. it has Long used in herbal medicine, it's typically touted as a natural remedy for eye problems. Eyebright contains compounds called tannins, which appear to possess anti-inflammatory properties. In folk medicine, eyebright is often used as an ingredient in eyewashes, eye drops, or compresses applied to the eyes.

Next is getting gooey
Dog vomit slime mold. Lovely name...
Slime molds are amazing things. single celled amoeba like organisms that come together to form these fungi like sporing masses.   Try googling Tokyo slime mold map for a bit of info you how the behave and search for food.

And finally although I could talk about the amazing orchids, minotaur beetles, moss, grass hoppers birds butterflies reptiles and even butterfly eggs...  BUT as we are on Exmoor we better look at the iconic bell heather that is just starting to bloom.  By mid august places like Brendon Common, Dunkery Beacon, Winsford hill, will be purple and buzzing with bees.

So if you planning a visit to Exmoor this year go to our Exmoor Wildwatch website or down load the iNaturalist app from the usual places and search the projects for Exmoor Wildwatch. 

Then get recording.  there is no need to know everything you find.  just get some good photos ideally from different angles and upload them.  Our volunteers will help you identify them.

So once again a massive thank you to the hundreds of people who have already taken part we love seeing you observations. 

And if you haven't taken part yet, down load the app and start.  You can do it any where in the world to get in practice for when you visit us.

Bye Bye form Exmoor.

Posted on July 12, 2020 06:53 AM by patrickwm patrickwm


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