Project type changes and FAQ's

Hello! There's been some recent updates to iNat projects and I've modernized this from a traditional project to a collection project.

As of February, 2021 it’s possible for collection project admins to turn on Trust for their project via the project’s edit page. This gives members of the project the option to allow the project’s admins access to the true coordinates of observations in the project that have a taxon geoprivacy setting of obscured and private.

Once again, I would like to kindly ask that you join and trust One Tam staff with your true coordinates through this project.

Lisette aka @ten_salamanders
Project Admin


Who is viewing the true coordinates?
One Tam staff associated with the collaborative Peak Health work.

Staff include:
Darren Fong, National Park Service Aquatic Ecologist
Dr. Bill Merkle, National Park Service Wildlife Ecologist
Eric Ettlinger, Marin Water Aquatic Ecologist
Dr. Lisette Arellano, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy Community Science Program Manager

Once the data is exported it is stored in a secure database that requires institutional approval.

What is the data being used for?
Comparisons of historical distributions with contemporary data.
Development of ecosystem health metrics
Development of long-term monitoring with opportunities for community scientists.

Posted on March 18, 2021 05:29 PM by ten_salamanders ten_salamanders


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