Let's go Philly!

The 2021 City Nature Challenge is here! We had 15 observations when I went to bed last night a little after midnight, and we're already seeing observations come in this morning. We're off to a great start. The weather might be a bit of a downer this evening, so stay safe and try to get all your observations in nice and early. And we're doing a #5onFri social media campaign, so make at least 5 observations on your lunch break and share them on social media with the #5onFri hashtag. Of course, we expect many of you to make more than 5 observations, but it's a fun way to get the word out and get a bunch of people trying out the City Nature Challenge for the first time.

Here's to a great 2021 and let's try to beat our totals from last year!

Posted on April 30, 2021 11:15 AM by navin_sasikumar navin_sasikumar


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