Join us for the next Research Update on Monday June 14th!

Hi Everyone,

It is amazing to see the 750+ observations from more than 100 people on iNaturalist! Well done! This is an incredible group effort and we're stoked to see so many fantastic people involved!

Monthly Research Updates

Remember that you are invited to join us for a glimpse into the data and a brief discussion every month during the research updates. More information and a list of events can be found at

The next Research Update is scheduled for Monday, June 14th at 12:00pm PST. Register here and a link to the MS teams meeting will be emailed to you.

As always, feel free to reach out to us with any feedback, questions or suggestions. Get in touch by contacting us, messaging @jmhulbert, commenting below, or emailing

You all are fantastic and we're thrilled that you are part of this project!


Posted on June 9, 2021 10:44 PM by jmhulbert jmhulbert


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