June Weed of the Month - Scots Broom, Cytisus scoparius

The Columbia Gorge Cooperative Weed Management Area has put together resources for their June Weed of the Month, Scots Broom (aka Scotch Broom, but my ecology professor taught me that "Scotch should only apply to the drink").

Scots broom is widespread in western Oregon, having been used for dune stabilization and landscaping for years before it became a serious invasive weed. Scots broom seeds can survive in the soil bank for 30 years or more, so preventing the introduction of new populations is the most effective control (as is the case with all invasive species).

Read more from the CWMA in their Scots Broom flyer and doc.

The Oregon iMapInvasives project also tracks other non-native brooms including:
French Broom
Spanish Broom
Hairy-Fruited Broom
Bridal-Veil Broom

If you run into any of these or you're not sure what type of broom you're seeing, post to iNaturalist and we'll help you get an ID!

Posted on June 2, 2016 04:50 PM by wisel wisel


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