Big Bend Nature Fest -- great time and bounty of observations

Elizabeth and I just got back from the Big Bend Nature Fest (, and we had a magnificent time. It rained every day, and Big Bend was painted with green as a response -- the plants were having just as good of a time as we did! :)

I took pictures of nearly every living thing in all of Big Bend too. ;) Stay tuned for a flooded dashboard of observations! Also, I will try to upload them first, and then work on ID's... I'll have a lot of work to do to narrow down some of the plants and bugs, but it's great fun too. :)

Also, it re-motivated me to explore more and more. iNaturalist is the tool that I'll take with me -- it's a wonderful companion.

Special thanks to @greglasley @gcwarbler @earthgrazer for making this trip especially wonderful. :)

Stay tuned!

Posted on August 29, 2016 05:01 PM by sambiology sambiology


This is one flood that I'll look forward to!

Posted by suz about 8 years ago

Sounds like it was super fun! Thanks for giving us a glimpse into it!

Posted by ntc about 8 years ago

Steve and I are leaving for Big Bend on the 23rd. I'll log a few things on iNat too.

Posted by troutlily57 about 8 years ago

It's about time you added some observations!

Posted by dbucket about 8 years ago

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