Equisetum, Przemysl, Poland. IEA Collection of Equisetum 2022

Radoslaw Walkowiak. 2022. Equisetum, Przemysl, Poland. IEA Collection of Equisetum 2022 © IEA Paper 2022. Presentation, Botanical Report, Scientific data. The International Equisetological Association and World Equisetum Program, Research Service. (Open Access) DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.21460.88962

Posted on November 8, 2022 06:18 PM by radekwalkowiak radekwalkowiak


Dear Radek, thanks for sharing. The photos in the PDF are best practice for us

Posted by evgeny_ananyev almost 2 years ago

Thank you; Such publications are very lacking and they should be common,
especially in the field of botany and zoology, to avoid many misidentifications.

Posted by radekwalkowiak almost 2 years ago

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