Day 1 Stats

Day 1 stats have been posted to the NRMBC Facebook Page:

The more interesting number is how many Research Grade Observations someone has, or how many there are in the project as a whole. Helping people with their observations as an "Identifier" is an extremely valuable contribution - so thanks to all who all willing to help in that way!

It's important to know what species are on the landscape. But it's more important to know which ones are absent (extirpated) or struggling. Jurisdictional species lists should be downloaded. Basic information all citizens should know are: 1) how many total species there are, 2) how many by taxa, and 3) which ones are endangered, threatened and sensitive. These later should be mapped, and the maps incorporated into comprehensive plans and land use decisions. Right now, most maps focus on "critical habitat" for game species.

These NRMBCs could also be co-opted by agency biologists to help locate those of Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) and Species of Greatest Information Need (SGIN) that have been identified in the respective State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs).


The number of Observers by itself, isn't all that meaningful. It is the number that will be divided by the latest jurisdictional population. This could be a proxy for "Ecosystem Engagement" (or, since the numbers are only fractional, maybe a better term would be "Ecosystem Disengagement/Blindness").
At the end of the Summer NRMBC, the number will be calculated, and they all will be sorted from high to low.

Also, for the first time, a Top 10 list of observers by jurisdiction (county, regional district or division), by state/province, and overall will be published. These are the local ecosystem heroes; the ones who likely know the biodiversity the best. They should be acknowledged, and maybe rewarded in some new ecosystem NIL (name, image, and likeness) legal category.

Posted on June 9, 2023 07:51 AM by quovadis quovadis


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