Blacklighting Events in Greater Houston Area

I'm happy (because mothing makes me happy) to share a series of blacklighting events in the Greater Houston Area for July, moth month! All events are free and open to the public. If you know of others, please let me know.

July 1 and August 5 - Saturday - Sunset to 10p
Monthly Moth Night at Exploration Green
16203 Diana Ln, Houston, TX 77062 (park in main parking lot and walk downhill)

July 8 - Saturday - 8:15p to 11p
Night-critter Bioblitz at Russ Pitman Park (Nature Discovery Center)
7112 Newcastle St, Bellaire, TX 77401

July 15 - Saturday - 8p to 10p
Meet Your Nighttime Neighbors at Sugar Land Memorial Park
15300 University Blvd, Sugar Land, TX 77479
Park in the main parking lot, then follow the tables and blacklight stations along walking paths to the Butterfly Garden at the windmill.

July 22 - Saturday - 8p to 11p
Lawther-Deer Park Prairie
1222 E. Purdue Lane, Deer Park 77536
Register here:
Please park on the school side of the street, not in front of neighbors' homes.

July 29 - Saturday - 9p to 11p
Trinity River NWR
601 FM 1011, Liberty, TX

I look forward to seeing/meeting you at one or more of these!

Posted on July 1, 2023 05:42 PM by rednat rednat


I will be having the Trinity River Refuge Moth Night Out Event on Saturday, July 29 starting at 9:00 pm til 11:00 pm as part of National Moth Week. We are located in Liberty County at 601 FM 1011, Liberty, TX.
Stuart J. Marcus

Posted by stuartmarcus about 1 year ago

Gosh I wish I could come to these!!! Alas, we're loaded up with black-lighting events up here in DFW. I'll be there in spirit for your events though. :)

Posted by sambiology about 1 year ago

Thanks for the heads up. I will try to make it out to the July 15 event in Sugar Land.

Posted by waystation1067 about 1 year ago

@stuartmarcus - Thanks, Stuart! I'll plan to attend!

Posted by rednat about 1 year ago

Thanks @rednat! May see you next Saturday.

Posted by scottbuckel about 1 year ago

@waystation1067 - Looking forward to meeting you!

Posted by rednat about 1 year ago

@sambiology - Gosh, wish I could be at one of your events! You're always welcome here. Folks enjoyed your visit last summer to Russ Pitman so much, they asked if you were coming back, and that's how the one this year got started. Your spirit never left!

Posted by rednat about 1 year ago

Thanks, @rednat. Is the monthly moth night at Exploration Green on Aug. 1 or Aug. 5? It says Saturday, Aug. 1, but Aug. 1 is a Tuesday :)

Posted by johnschneider about 1 year ago

@johnschneider - You're right, John--it's August 5. EG moth nights are the first Saturday of the month. Thanks for the catch!

Posted by rednat about 1 year ago

Great stuff! The Exploration Green event really kicked things off well I thought with community turnout. Who is hosting the Sugarland event?

Posted by sonorabee about 1 year ago

@sonorabee - TMN Coastal Prairie chapter (led by Shannon) is hosting the Sugar Land event on the 15th. I worked with NDC to do the event on 7/8. Houston NPAT is hosting their annual moth night at Lawther-Deer Park Prairie. Lots of cool critters there last year, including Deilelater physoderus, a click beetle with headlights! (two spots that glow in the dark). Hope you can come!

Posted by rednat about 1 year ago

Of course you already know @rednat that I will be attending 5 of 5. Looking forward running into the local iNat community of passionate ento peeps while there. Thanks for notice!

Posted by dirtnkids about 1 year ago

Mothing with this group is always a blast, looking forward to these! (but I will miss July 8 @ Russ Pittman this year)

Posted by rich451 about 1 year ago

In case anyone can make it to the Sugar Land event, here is the event flyer PDF which can be shared (better than paper).

@sambiology ... thank you for setting a great example to us "newbies" to lead public events like these. Getting out of our comfort zone is as easy as hanging a sheet, a blacklight, and seeing who shows up (critters and people)! See y'all soon. Look forward to sleep in August. :D

Posted by dirtnkids about 1 year ago

@habitat_jaime - Hi Jaime! Hope you and family can come tonight or to any of the other events posted!

Posted by rednat about 1 year ago

Great to meet you @rednat @dirtnkids and @johnschneider at the Sugar Land event. I left some perennis milkweed seeds there on one of the tables. Please distribute these to anyone who wants them. Cheers!

Posted by waystation1067 about 1 year ago

@waystation1067 - Great to meet you too, Don! Glad you came, and thanks for the seeds! Hope to see you at Deer Park Prairie next Saturday. We're putting light stations on the boardwalk through the prairie this time.

Posted by rednat about 1 year ago

@waystation1067 — got your seeds!! Thank you and I was wondering where those came from. :D FYI — it was estimated 200+ people from the public came out to watch iNat’rs doing their thang. Many families walked away with a desire to set up blacklight lures in their own backyards, using what they already have on hand with their kids. TMNs are here to empower. Thank you iNat community for helping us be more knowledgeable about who is seen on the sheets and why they’re there, why they’re important. See y’all 7/22!

Posted by dirtnkids about 1 year ago

@waystation1067 Great to meet you too!

Posted by johnschneider about 1 year ago

Just adding @dwverser @prairieplants @lanshen

Also, I notice that a "Deer Park Prairie" Land Feature and "Deer Park Prairie" Project were created in iNat in March of this year. There is an older "Lawther Deer Park Prairie" Land Feature and "Deer Park Prairie Biodiversity" Project, which cover a slightly smaller geographical area than the newer feature and project.

Also, be careful when setting the location for your observations if you want them to be included in these projects. If the location circle extends even slightly outside the boundaries of the project, the project won't capture the observation.


First, the "Lawther Deer Park Prairie" Land Feature (2019):
which goes with the "Deer Park Prairie Biodiversity" Project (2016):

Second, the "Deer Park Prairie" Land Feature (2023)
which goes with the "Deer Park Prairie" Project (2023):

Posted by johnschneider about 1 year ago

@johnschneider - Thank you for researching these names and projects, John! Very helpful, appreciate the clarification for DPP. The new project should be used for reporting. I'm glad Don expanded the area for the new land feature. So far, looks like all the observations posted to date for 7/22 mothing are within bounds for the new project.

Posted by rednat about 1 year ago

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