A Great Night!

Thank you to everyone who attended our moth blacklighting night. We had a spectacular turnout, of both humans and moths! Despite the rather chilly temperatures, there was a great diversity of species, including a few sizable sphinxes and underwings. Please submit your sightings here - if you don't know what your moth is, you can either use the Computer Vision (AI) to suggest an ID for you, or just select the lowest taxon you are confident in (and if that's just Lepidoptera, that's fine!) and a regional expert will confirm or refine your ID.
Over the next few weeks, we will be going through iNaturalist submissions and our photographs to generate a species list from our event, which will be sent out to participants and posted here as well. We truly appreciate your enthusiasm for moths, and encourage you to do some light trapping of your own!

Posted on July 23, 2023 06:42 AM by mollymjacobson mollymjacobson


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