Phenology Friday: Ripe fruits!

Bushes filled to the brim with wild blueberries are lining the trails, mushrooms prove ample to the hunger of languid slugs, and warm, stiff air will soon bring crisp autumnal hushes to mountain goers. These are the sights and feels of August.

Although for most plants and animals the rush of spring and buzz of mid-summer may make the current landscape seem slow and unchanging, the opposite is true. If you haven’t already figured it out, dynamism is nature’s agenda, and it’s our goal to track that change!

Right now, the subtle onset of fruit ripening challenges our eyes. As the forest floor stays lush with green, small bright blues and reds provide contrast.

From left to right: Bluebead lily lives up to its name (photo credit: @tashahipple), bunchberry fruits are packed together (photo credit: @andrewtchase), and painted trillium don bright red caps (photo credit: @wanderingeden)

Species that have showy (but non-edible) fruits include bluebead lily, Canadian bunchberry, and painted trillium. Be sure to look for these ripe fruits on your next hike and add your observations to our project!

Posted on August 4, 2023 11:09 PM by hai827 hai827


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