City Nature Challenge 2017 - Day 1

Can I just start off by saying that you guys are AMAZING? What an incredible first day of the CNC! At the end of Day 1 (April 14), our stats were:
3289 observations / 890 species / 173 people

That's an almost 5-fold increase in observations on the first day of the CNC compared to last year, and 4 times the number of species seen on the first day last year! Way to go SF Bay Area!

How does that compare with the rest of the cities competing in the CNC? You can see the current leaderboard here: Right now the three cities in Texas are our biggest competition.

The weather should be great today, so hopefully you'll have the chance to get outside and explore and make observations - before we get some more rain in the next couple days. There are four bioblitz events you can go to today, or just go out on your own or with family and friends!

Enjoy some photos from observations made the first day of the CNC:

Posted on April 15, 2017 02:42 PM by kestrel kestrel


We're having a blast, thanks to your organization and motivation for this project! Back to the field!

Posted by gyrrlfalcon over 7 years ago

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