Journal archives for September 2018

September 28, 2018

Work in progress!

Greetings, fellow-naturalists-
I am currently in the process of cleaning up the data set in the project and removing images of insects and hummingbirds that are not actively visiting flowers. (It's quite a project- it can be particularly hard to capture an image of a hummingbird in motion, so I included a number of pictures where they were just sitting and resting, or visiting a feeder- however I intend to remove the observations that do not also record them visiting flowers.)

I have been informed that some of the insects that I have included in the project are not very productive as pollinators- and some are not true pollinators at all, merely nectar-sipping freeloaders! (This applies to a number of the butterflies, but I don't want to take them out, as the project records a useful collection of butterfly-attracting nectar plants.) So take this collection with a grain of salt, and as I learn more I will post profiles of specific pollinator species.

I am in the process of compiling data about which flowers and flower families are most attractive to bees and other pollinators.


Posted on September 28, 2018 08:24 PM by alexis_amphibian alexis_amphibian | 0 comments | Leave a comment