Journal archives for May 2016

May 18, 2016

Biodiversity Big Year (San Benito) - May 17 Update

Hello everyone. Thanks to everyone for participating in the Biodiversity Big Year project. It’s been great to see all the discoveries being made and learn more about the diversity in San Benito County. Since it’s already May 17, just a few days before the Pinnacles National Park BioBlitz on Saturday May 21, I thought I’d take a minute to look at the taxonomic totals for the Biodiversity Big Year project. Most taxonomic groups with target # of species for the project are well over half the way to the goal. We had originally sketched out the target of 20 spiders, but broadening the group to arachnids the project already stands at 22 species. Lepidoptera are rocking it with 89 species (target of 100), and amphibians are 70% of the way there with 7 species out of a target of ten. Reptiles are now at 19 species (target 30), mammals at 19 (target 30), and bird records represent 117 species (target 150). Dragonflies and damselflies could use a boost – currently at 8 species and a target of 30. Other insects are at 44 (this target a bit drawn out of thin air, 100). There are undoubtedly many lichen species not yet documented that could boost the fungi & lichen group from the current 24 species to reach the target of 100. Finally, plants are creeping up on 50% of the 750 target – currently the project has 335 species documented. I hope you can make it down for the Pinnacles BioBlitz. If you need details, feel free to message me @danielgeorge . Hope your next adventure is fulfilling.

Posted on May 18, 2016 02:48 AM by danielgeorge danielgeorge | 0 comments | Leave a comment
