IAWP Berm Trail's Journal

Journal archives for April 2024

April 2, 2024

August 21, 2023 (from Carla Grier)

Summary of visits on 8/15 and 8/21/2023 in the area of bench #2; plant observations
These are the findings on the water side of the berm around bench #2:

Smooth brome, extensive amount
Prickly lettuce, 20-30 plants
Western snowberry, extensive amount mainly to the left of the bench
Hound's tongue, two plants on the right side of the bench
Field bindweed, both sides of the bench
Possibly a Sisymbrium sp., either false London-rocket or tall tumblemustard
Unidentified tall grass (over 6' including flower stalk) with large black seeds, right side of bench
On the north side of the berm these plants were noted:

1.Smooth brome, extensive amount

Bindweed, scattered amongst the grasses

Posted on April 2, 2024 10:29 PM by emmerganser emmerganser | 0 comments | Leave a comment

September 07, 2023 (from Carla Grier)

First weeding session, 9/7/2023
I spent about an hour weeding around bench #2. I pulled out bindweed and smooth brome grass from in front of the bench. There is still much to do, but this is a good start. It was quiet on the berm this morning and there wasn't much going on in my section. I saw many hopping insects and took a photo of one on the gravel walkway, but as you can see, it blends in very well with the rocks.

Posted on April 2, 2024 10:31 PM by emmerganser emmerganser | 0 comments | Leave a comment
