National Moth Week: July 22-30, 2023
Greater Austin, TX (GATX), are you ready for National Moth Week (NMW)?! The event runs from July 22-30. Hang a sheet with an ultraviolet or other light, or just turn on the porch light, and then snap some photos of the moths that come around. Just like last year, NMW will partner with iNaturalist to record observations during the event. You can “Join Project” at the link below. I really enjoy watching the observations as they roll in to the Project, as there are some spectacular moths (and photos) from around the world. To check out the archived photos from NMWs 2020, 2021, and 2022, search iNaturalist Projects for “National Moth Week”. Once you select a Project if you click on “Observations” and then “Grid” you’ll be presented with the photos in a large thumbnail form for easy viewing. Scroll to the bottom of the page to “View More” and then scroll to the bottom again to access grid page numbers.
Be sure and visit the NMW website for background information on the event, an event map, and blog posts with various subjects, including light set-ups. For the blogs, look under “Finding Moths”, then “Resources”, and “Mothing [Blog Posts]”.
National Moth Week (iNaturalist Project)
Moth on!