October 25, 2017

BIOBLITZ: Oak Glen Preserve

Are you a biologist or ever wanted to be one, do you enjoy being outside, would you like to help document the species diversity of a preserve? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please join The Wildlands Conservancy in our first ever Bioblitz here at our Oak Glen Preserve! Nestled a mile-high in the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains, within the historic farming community of Oak Glen, lies our 2,189-acre preserve and home to the Conservancy’s Southern California Montane Botanic Garden and Children’s Outdoor Discovery Center. Through utilizing the iNatiralist mobile application, we plan to document as many species as possible all while exploring the wonders that the preserve has to offer. The event is planned to go all day on November 16th as the preserve is open to the public from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm completely free of charge. So please join us in this amazing act of scientific inquisition and for a great day out on the trails.

Posted on October 25, 2017 09:29 PM by thewildlandsconservancy thewildlandsconservancy | 0 comments | Leave a comment
