November 27, 2020


Hello everyone! Congratulations on signing up to iNaturalist (if you weren't already using it) and to this project. It's great to see some observations coming in already - I'm manually adding them at the moment but you can also add your observations to the project directly (as soon as you've joined it).

Don't forget to take a couple of photos for each observation if you can and/or to make sure that you capture the most useful characteristics of each plant. This will help you and others to identify it. Top tip: flowers, fruits, leaf arrangements (ie. alternate, opposite, rosettes, whorls, pinnate, palmate..) are all good things to record in photographs or in the notes. It can be more difficult in Winter when fewer plants are in flower, but have a go!

Happy plant hunting!

Posted on November 27, 2020 01:41 PM by lgardiner lgardiner | 0 comments | Leave a comment
