Journal archives for July 2023

July 31, 2023

>4000 observations so far! Do you have more to add?

I am so excited about how much great data is already on iNaturalist from so many people reporting flowers that pollinators are visiting! In just a short amount of time, we've curated >4000k observations across New England, NY, NJ and PA.

With so many flowers in bloom, now is a great time to take a stroll around your property or favorite trail and photograph any plant-pollinator interactioHere in VT, we're embarking on a few projects to understand 1) how iNat data compares to systematic surveys, and 2) how interaction networks differ between natural and cultivated green spaces. If you'd like learn more, visit:

I've been taking some time to go through old records and add observations to the project that fit our criteria. You can help in these efforts, by batch uploading to the projects any observations you have that have the observation field "Interaction->visited flower of"

Here's the steps:
1) From the project page, click "Add from my observations" (edit 12/20/2023: this link should take you to the 'edit observations' page. If not, you can find 'edit observations by clicking the arrow next to your profile picture)
2) Click 'Batch edit'
3) Click 'select all'
4) Click 'Add to project, and scroll down to "Pollinator Interactions on Plants (PIP)'
5) Click 'Add'. This will now go through your observations and add anything that fits our location and taxonomic criteria AND has the observation field filled out.

That's it! Easy peasy. If you are having trouble, feel free to message me on iNat and I'd be happy to walk you through it.


Posted on July 31, 2023 01:21 PM by dlnarango dlnarango | 2 comments | Leave a comment
