November 15, 2017

Notes for adding bird records

When adding bird records it is important to include a value for the field "Breeding Bird Evidence" to all bird records, even if it is "none". Birds are often observed at locations away from breeding or concentration sites (i.e. at sites that are not important for the conservation of the species). Without the Breeding Bird Evidence field filled out, we cannot use the record in most cases.

For those users of eBird, if you are entering your bird records to eBird as well as iNaturalist, please try to indicate this in the submission to iNaturalist to help us sort out duplicates. You can add the eBird checklist link using the "associated observation" data field.

Please contact us if you have any questions!

Posted on November 15, 2017 05:52 PM by sarahrobinson sarahrobinson | 0 comments | Leave a comment

November 6, 2017

How to ensure all of your future observations are added to project

If you'd like to join the project and then sit back and let iNaturalist do its magic, please follow these steps. By doing so, all of your suitable observations will automatically be added to the project.

  1. On the project page, scroll down and click "your membership" (below members).
  2. On the new page that opens, under settings there is a question "Do you want to make your private/obscured observation coordinates visible to the project curators?" click the first option "Yes, no matter who adds the observation to the project."

That's it! From now on, whenever you enter a record that is a provincially tracked species to iNaturalist it will automatically be shared with the Rare Species of New Brunswick project!

Posted on November 6, 2017 02:17 PM by atlanticcanadacdc atlanticcanadacdc | 0 comments | Leave a comment

What records are eligible and how can I quickly add them to the project?

This project is solely intended to collect records of provincially-tracked species. These are listed in the project species list.

Please ensure you set your membership to allow project curators to view the private coordinates of your observations when added to the project by project members, so that when one of the project members adds your record, we can access the private coordinates. This is really important for us since we can't use obscured records for conservation and all of the species in our project will automatically have their coordinates obscured since they are provincially rare.

You can quickly add all of your eligible observations to the project by doing the following:

  1. go to the project page
  2. scroll down and click the "add from your observations" button.
  3. At the top of the new screen, click the "batch edit" button, then click select "all", then click "add to project" and select the Rare Species of New Brunswick project. This will add all of the records that meet the project criteria. You may have to do a few batches depending on how many suitable records you have!
Posted on November 6, 2017 02:15 PM by atlanticcanadacdc atlanticcanadacdc | 2 comments | Leave a comment
