March 30, 2017

The First Post

Hello everyone,

I will be spending my summer collecting data on the rare plants of Utah. However, our crew is small and we can't scour every inch of the state so in an attempt to gather more data and dip my toe into citizen science I created this project.

I included a list of specific plants that I will be looking for but any plants are welcome. If it looks it! If it looks like an it! I will check this frequently to check the identifications/identify the unknowns to the best of my ability (so take lots of pictures!).

This project may yield some usable data but my primary priority is the introduce people to how much fun botany can be! Most people will look over these plants and keep their eyes peeled for a hawk of a deer, but by training your eyes to see the subtle differences in vegetation introduces you to the hidden world of plants!

Feel free to consult the internet for identification help. Seinnet has excellent pictures and mounts of these plants. Intermountain Flora and Utah Flora are also excellent resources if you are familiar with botany keys. Reach out to others in the community and learn some new identification skills. Maybe one day us plant nerds will reach the status of the Audubon Society.

Good Luck!

Posted on March 30, 2017 09:59 PM by banana_palmtree banana_palmtree | 1 comment | Leave a comment
