Heads up: Some or all of the identifications affected by this split may have been replaced with identifications of Megascops kennicottii. This happens when we can't automatically assign an identification to one of the output taxa. Review identifications of Megascops kennicottii bendirei 725959

Taxonomic Split 111136 (Committed on 2024-04-20)

Following Cannings and Angell (2001), we recognize subspecies macfarlanei Brewster 1891, with range "southern British Columbia south to eastern Oregon, Idaho, and western Montana". -- Clements Checklist v2021

I'm little bit disappointed macfarlanei was lumped in the first place (old lump: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxon_changes/59252) because its range is not concordant with bendirei, nor is that type of range consistent with typical biogeographic variation. Even more evidence why this change is laughable is because of Proudfoot (2007), who used mtDNA markers to establish criteria for subspeciation. Guess what, he found 7 populations, concordant with that of the 9 named subspecies. I'll give you a hint which subspecies did not reach the bar... bendirei, and Proudfoot's suggestion was to lump it with nominate kennicottii. In a nutshell, that means macfarlanei is distinct from the Pacific population and the subspecies Clements (2018) lumped it with, is not even real!

Clements Checklist v2021 (Citation)
Added by birdwhisperer on May 26, 2022 06:36 PM | Committed by birdwhisperer on April 20, 2024
split into


@cgbc You're the top identifier (8 obs), do you know which population they came from?

Posted by birdwhisperer about 2 years ago

They were a mix; mostly records from the desert south interior of British Columbia (macfarlanei), along a couple from coastal California (bendirei) to correct mis-IDs (one, two). I'll correct them when the taxon change is committed.


Posted by cgbc about 2 years ago

can this be committed?

Posted by rjq 8 months ago

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