Taxonomic Swap 56728 (Committed on 2019-05-07)

swapped in Reptile Database

Reptile Database: 21 December 2019 (Citation) | 5_2019 Reptile Database update
Added by loarie on May 7, 2019 07:43 AM | Committed by loarie on May 7, 2019
replaced with


@loarie erroneous swap. Is there any way of retrieving the affected records and swapping them into Leptodeira ornata?

Posted by rfoster about 2 years ago

it wasn't erroneous when it was made in 2019. At that point RD sunk the ssp and now they've reelevated it. We'll have to split Leptodeira septentrionalis I'll flag that taxon and link to this swap

Posted by loarie about 2 years ago
Posted by loarie about 2 years ago

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