Taxonomic Swap 79061 (Committed on 2020-07-03)

Probably all the Australia communis need to be returned to eucalypti (including my own 145). This is the easiest way I know of doing so, then the few others can be manually returned to communis.

Added by reiner on July 3, 2020 09:19 AM | Committed by jameskm on July 3, 2020
replaced with


I am so sorry for the trouble I caused with this. I clearly massively overestimated the number of observations on Eucalyptus. I tried searching records in the "identify" feature for the annotation "Acacia" and only six came up. Looking closer now, I see that the tags were not included. This is my fault.

Posted by jameskm almost 4 years ago

I committed the swap and deleted the wrong synonyms. It does not really make sense to reverse the swap, because everything needed to go to Hymenotorrendiella instead of Torrendiella anyway, so another swap would be required. I just went through all observations, and with the exception of a few on sticks, there are maybe three records on Eucalyptus. For two, I am not convinced they aren't actually on misidentified Acacia.

Posted by jameskm almost 4 years ago

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