Thanks for a great ESA meeting!

It was awesome to meet many of you last week in New Orleans, between the mixer, crosstown walk field trip, and the Ecological Society of America meeting itself.

Here are links to the presentations I know of that used iNaturalist data or otherwise talked about iNaturalist.

Biodiversity Analysis in Los Angeles (BAILA): A novel approach for studying urban environments, citizen science data, and biodiversity by @enjing

The changing roles of herbaria in an era of global change: A systematic review by @jmheberling

"Snaking" our way through Odonata discovery: Undergraduate citizen science project uncovers potentially new dragonfly species by @swhippss

Crowdsourcing Natural History with iNaturalist by me @carrieseltzer

Thank you to everyone who made observations in New Orleans during the meeting! I'll tag you all here.
@tkoffel @partspermillion @andy71 @sonoranaturalist @johncarlson @cwarneke @edgarallenhoopoe @jmheberling @vireolanius @kelseyderose @miaerick @gauravsk @jane518 @cypseloides @bmtranchina @metrorame @abalonequeen @evsatt @rangerbecky @isayhoomhom @adam179 @richardhall @nataliemhowe @maringal @floridapatty @verdantcg @martmart @balazscsoka @trebor2 @sstearns @ahettinger @kimberlycooke @anniemonty @kkucera @alannafrick @yadixsant @najevb2 @accordiongordon @libnaturalist @whalend

Remember, if you have more photos, you can still upload them and they'll automatically be included in this project for observations made during ESA 2018.

And lastly, check out this link to see if you can help identify anything observed during ESA in New Orleans! Here's a short video about how it works.

How to use iNaturalists's Identify Page from iNaturalist on Vimeo.

Posted on August 14, 2018 02:44 PM by carrieseltzer carrieseltzer


Thanks Carrie! It was fun meeting everyone in New Orleans. I wish I could have seen some iNat-focused talks.

Posted by cypseloides about 6 years ago

Thanks, Matt! Glad you could make it to the meet up.

Posted by carrieseltzer about 6 years ago

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