Czech Republic - iNaturalist World Tour

The Czech Republic is the 32nd stop on the iNaturalist World Tour. As expected there is a cluster of top observers around the capital of Prague (e.g. @lioneska, @daczison, @lenkajanochova, @petra_cze, @pan_psax, @audulinka, @mnauky). But many of the top observers are based in different regions including the top observer @romanvrbicek in the Zlín Region, @boromir in the Pardubice Region, @zdekanovkov in the Liberec Region, @thekakarinka in the Vysočina Region and @evamana_kv in the Karlovy Vary Region. Don't miss this Observation of the Week blog on a Common Hoopoe sighting by @lioneska, as well as this one featuring @boromir.

iNaturalist has been growing rapidly in the Czech Republic this year. You can see the April peaks from the 2018 and 2019 Prague City Nature Challenge events organized by the National Museum (e.g. @petra_cze, @duch, @manumea2000, @jifrank and @blankavagnerov). Other institutions were involved as well including @miroslavbobek, @vitlukas and @lenkajanochova from the Prague Zoo, @audulinka from City Hall Prague. In addition to City Nature Challenge, there are many other efforts and stories driving growth in the Czech Republic. @boromir is a teacher at a secondary school in Vysoké Mýto and has many projects using iNaturalist in her classes. @ondrejzicha leads the online biodiversity encyclopedia.

@duch, a botanist at the National Museum is the top identifier from the Czech Republic. @thekakarinka and @zdekanovkov are also lending local expertise as top identifiers. @borisb and @ldacosta lead identifications for insects and birds resepectively. Many thanks to @alexis_orion and other top identifiers for the Czech Republic.

What can we do to improve iNaturalist in the Czech Republic? Please share your thoughts below or on this forum thread

@romanvrbicek @boromir @lioneska @daczison @zdekanovkov @duch @zdekanovkov @alexis_orion @thekakarinka @ldacosta

We’ll be back tomorrow with Denmark!

Posted on July 25, 2019 08:13 PM by loarie loarie


I really love this app!
I think iNat needs promotion in the Czech republic...

Posted by thekakarinka about 5 years ago

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