Denmark - iNaturalist World Tour

Denmark is the 33rd stop on the iNaturalist World Tour. The top observer in Denmark is @dhobern who until recently was the director of GBIF. Now based in Australia, you can read more about his naturalizing in this recent Observation of the Week blog post. Its interesting that most of the top observers from the Copenhagen are part of the GBIF team (e.g. @kcopas, @dschigel, and @nvolik) - with whom I recently had a great opportunity to go mothing!

Nearly all of the other top observers from Denmark, however, are based in regions to the West. Many top users are based near Aarhus including @theanimalenthusiast, @oskarlphansen, @mortenddhansen, and @mikkel65. You can read @theanimalenthusiast's blog of the same name here. @oskarlphansen and @mortenddhansen are both associated with the Aarhus Natural History Museum. @mettehhh, a biology teacher with VIA University College, and @kaspermalmberg are based to the north. @jornari is active to the south (check out his Danish Nudibranch site here). @erlandreflingnielsen is a world traveler but his Danish observations are also clustered to the south.

iNaturalist is growing rapidly in Denmark. We suspect outreach by @mortenddhansen and his colleagues at the Aarhus Natural History Museum and by the GBIF team is responsible for much of this growth. Also thanks to @cmcheatle who has helped add many Danish common names despite being based in Canada.

The mysterious @monicaoyre is the top identifier in Denmark. @veronika_johansson, @oskarlphansen, and @ldacosta lead for plants, insects and birds respectively. Thanks to @efrby, @ldalby, @mikkel_dybdal, and @johnoved for sharing their local expertise, to @amzamz for all his identifications out of Germany, and all the other top identifiers.

What can make iNaturalsit better in Denmark? Please share your thoughts below or on this forum thread.

@dhobern @theanimalenthusiast @mettehhh @oskarlphansen @mortenddhansen @monicaoyre @ldacosta @efrby @amzamz @ldalby

We’ll be back tomorrow with Peru!

Posted on July 26, 2019 06:13 PM by loarie loarie


''Also thanks to @cmcheatle who has helped add many Danish common names despite being based in Canada. ''
Good example of the relation between adding common names and a immense grow of the 'number of observations in a month'.

Posted by optilete about 5 years ago

Thanks for the shout-out @loarie !

One small note: although she's the top identifier for Denmark, @veronika_johansson is actually a member of the GBIF Sweden team based in Stockholm. Anything I know about the local grasses I owe to Veronika!

Posted by kcopas about 5 years ago

Ah, thanks for the correction kcopas

Posted by loarie about 5 years ago

@cmcheatle @theanimalenthusiast @monicaoyre
I noticed the number of observations ramped up within one month after the blog entry (from <60,000 to right now more than 85,000 observations). Anybody knows what is the reason for that? Single upload events or mobilization of more contributors?

Posted by carnifex about 5 years ago

Looks like you're right @carnifex, with the August 2019 data, Denmark jumped into the top 25 countries

Posted by loarie about 5 years ago

@loarie I didn't know these stats are continuously updated and thought they were static - until I searched for this blog post: I went to the weekly overview ('we start the fifth week with...') and checked for the Danish flag - it wasn't there but in the text it was mentioned. So now the graphic overviews are off in respect tothe written text. :-D

Posted by carnifex about 5 years ago

yeah - I stopped updating just those weekly kickoff figures (with the 7 flags) for past blogposts for this update and moving forward since thats particularly confusing but that did happen from past updates

Posted by loarie about 5 years ago

@carnifex iNaturalist seems to get more and more popular here. In the latest month I've moved +500 observations over here from another platform. Also as you say NHMA has been promoting the use through their project '99 arter'. It also seems that a lot of biology teachers have started using the app in their classes.

Posted by andreas_boe about 5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback!

Posted by carnifex about 5 years ago

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