2022 SF Bay Area and Central Coast Butterfly Count Dates

Hello all-
Another year and new dates! Sorry that I have yet to get the other butterfly count projects up under this umbrella but I'm still learning how to create map boundaries. If anyone understands how to make a KLM radius, please reach out!

If you are interested in participating in any of these counts, reach out to the organizers (pm @catchang- she will send you the direct emails.)

Mt. Diablo - June 1, Wednesday
Berkeley - June 2, Thursday
Benicia - June 3, Friday
Pinnacles NP - June 5, Sunday
Big Creek - June 9
Hastings - June 10
Monterey - June 11
San Francisco/San Bruno - June 12
Marin - June 18

Point Reyes - TBD

Posted on May 9, 2022 06:00 PM by catchang catchang


Tagging people who have shown interest or I think would be interested. Please feel free to tag others, and apologies to anyone who I've forgotten to tag.

@tiwane @birdingman @robberfly @euproserpinus @sarabseth @chyroptera @icosahedron @dbartholomew @rjadams55 @flygrl67 @naturesarchive @kueda @ericaharris123 @bilgepump100 @rudyard @max_benningfield @rhislop @hfabian @kevinhintsa @gyrrlfalcon @djrawlinson

Posted by catchang about 2 years ago

I'll only do Mt. Diablo if it is guaranteed to be hotter than the last time we did it!

Posted by gyrrlfalcon about 2 years ago

I might be able to do Diablo. Also, tagging @birdingman.

Posted by tiwane about 2 years ago

Too eraly to tell.

Posted by hfabian about 2 years ago

@gyrrlfalcon I sure hope it isn't that hot!

Posted by catchang about 2 years ago

It looks like I will be back June 4. I may be able to do something like Point Reyes later.

Posted by hfabian about 2 years ago

I have jury duty first week of June :O Might be able to do one on the following week, though.

Posted by birdingman about 2 years ago

I have very ambitious intentions: Mt. Diablo, Berkeley, Benicia, Pinnacles, San Francisco/San Bruno, Point Reyes, and the Sierra Nevada counts too (tentative dates July 1-4).

@djrawlinson has abandoned ship (to the east coast)!

Posted by sarabseth about 2 years ago

I'm considering taking this Sierra Field Camp butterfly class this year:

Does anyone know if they tolerate inquisitive amateurs or is it only for real students?

Posted by bilgepump100 about 2 years ago

@bilgepump100 Iʻve never taken the class but the Yuba Pass count happens right afterwards. The people who took the class and stayed for the count were inquisitive amateurs who sounded like they enjoyed the class. @sarabseth might be taking the class this summer.

Posted by catchang about 2 years ago



Posted by hfabian about 2 years ago

This year the class and Yuba Pass and Butterfly Valley counts will probably be separated from the class by a week, I was told by Paul.

I chose to do the counts rather than the class. Primarily because my interest is in photographing the butterflies, and for the class, anything that is relatively rare gets netted immediately for close study.

Posted by sarabseth about 2 years ago

Class starts on July 10. Probable dates for the counts are between July 1 and 4.

Posted by sarabseth about 2 years ago

@euproserpinus, have you finalized dates yet?

Posted by sarabseth about 2 years ago

Thanks for posting! I hope I can do one again this year before summer travels!

Posted by chyroptera about 2 years ago

In my experience. Inquisitive amateurs usually make up the bulk of the class and are most certainly welcome.

Butterfly Valley Butterfly Count - June 30
Yuba Pass Butterfly Count - July 2

More count info here: https://www.sfbaywildlife.info/activities/butterfly_counts.htm

Posted by euproserpinus about 2 years ago

Still no date for the Point Reyes count?

Posted by sarabseth about 2 years ago

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