Coast Range CA Butterfly Counts Summary's Journal

May 25, 2024

Dates for 2024 Central/Northern CA Butterfly Counts - Greater Bay Area

Please contact the coordinator noted below each count directly for more information and to sign up.

2024 Central/Northern CA Butterfly Counts - Greater Bay Area

Pinnacles National Park, 2 June
Paul Johnson, paul_johnson(at)

Mount Diablo, 3 June
Rich Kelson, rkelson(at)

Big Creek, 7 June
Mark Readdie, readdie(at)

Hastings Reservation, 8 June
Chris Tenney, Paul Johnson
tenneyx2(at), pjpolliwog(at)

Monterey, 9 June
Chris Tenney, tenneyx2(at)

Berkeley, 13 June
Paul Johnson, pjpolliwog(at)

Benicia, 14 June
Paul Johnson, paul_johnson(at)

Marin County, 15 June
Wendy Dreskin, bdreskin(at)

San Francisco, 16 June
Liam O'Brien, liammail56(at)

Point Reyes, TBD

Farther afield in Northern and Central California

Big Chico Creek, 1 June
Don Miller, DGMiller(at)

Cosumnes Preserve, 15 June
Kathy Schick, kschick2(at)

San Joaquin County, 16 June
Kathy Schick, kschick2(at)

Warner Mountains North, 22 June
Joseph Smith, foxglove1985(at)

Yuba Pass, 10 July
Paul Johnson, pjpolliwog(at)

Butterfly Valley, 11 July
Chris Tenney, tenneyx2(at)

Mt. Shasta, 13 July
Erica Harris, ericaharris79(at)

South Lake Tahoe, 21 July
Will Richardson, will(at)

Glass Mountain, 27 July
Paul McFarland, pmcfarland395(at)

Yosemite NP, 29 July
Sarah Stock, Sarah_stock(at)

White Mountains, 31 July
Paul Johnson, pjpolliwog(at)

Posted on May 25, 2024 03:39 AM by catchang catchang | 6 comments | Leave a comment

May 31, 2023

2023 SF Bay Area and Central Coast Butterfly Count Dates

Hello all-
It's that time again :)

If you are interested in participating in any of these counts, reach out to the organizers (pm @catchang- she will send you the direct emails.)

Big Creek (Big Sur), 1 June
Hastings Reservation, 2 June
Monterey, 3 June
Pinnacles National Park, 4 June
Berkeley, 9 June
San Francisco, 11 June
Mount Diablo, 12 June
Benicia, 16 June
Marin County, 17 June
Point Reyes - TBD

Posted on May 31, 2023 02:59 AM by catchang catchang | 0 comments | Leave a comment

May 9, 2022

2022 SF Bay Area and Central Coast Butterfly Count Dates

Hello all-
Another year and new dates! Sorry that I have yet to get the other butterfly count projects up under this umbrella but I'm still learning how to create map boundaries. If anyone understands how to make a KLM radius, please reach out!

If you are interested in participating in any of these counts, reach out to the organizers (pm @catchang- she will send you the direct emails.)

Mt. Diablo - June 1, Wednesday
Berkeley - June 2, Thursday
Benicia - June 3, Friday
Pinnacles NP - June 5, Sunday
Big Creek - June 9
Hastings - June 10
Monterey - June 11
San Francisco/San Bruno - June 12
Marin - June 18

Point Reyes - TBD

Posted on May 9, 2022 06:00 PM by catchang catchang | 17 comments | Leave a comment

May 25, 2021

2021 Count Dates

Hello all- if you are interested in participating in any of these counts, reach out to the organizers (pm @catchang- she will send you the direct emails.)

Mt. Diablo - June 1
Berkeley - June 2
Monterey - June 4
Hastings - June 5
Pinnacles NP - June 6
Big Creek - (Cancelled this year due to fire/flood damage.)
Point Reyes - June 10
Marin - June 12
San Francisco/San Bruno - June 13
Benicia - June 14

Posted on May 25, 2021 04:50 AM by catchang catchang | 3 comments | Leave a comment
