Observation Highlight of the Week: SPECIAL EDITION: 2022 Herpetological BioBlitz

Observational Highlight #17: SPECIAL EDITION: 2022 Herpetological BioBlitz
Virginia Outdoors Foundation - Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve

Carphophis amoenus (Eastern Worm Snake): Several individuals were found together along the South Section of The Preserve.

© Janis Stone (@janisstone), all rights reserved

Hello everyone,

In keeping with my promise from our last observational highlight, this week's highlight will showcase the various herpetological observations made during this year's Preserve BioBlitz! Our visitors and staff did an amazing job in their search for reptiles and amphibians. The results are in and 14 species of reptiles and amphibians were uncovered by our team. Having tuned up so many species in a day is always a thrill for any naturalist. These sorts of events also allow for the camaraderie that isn't always abundant for nature lovers. The opportunity to share in the great biodiversity of our shared community's natural resources is something of a point of pride. Sharing information, discussing our outdoor experiences, and developing better narratives and identification skills are some of the great benefits derived from public programming. For those already engrossed in the natural world, their keen observations add to our growing digital biodiversity archive, and for those fairly new to the naturalist world - it hopefully serves as the jumping-off point into the networks and thrills of finding a novel organism hiding right under your nose.

For a more comprehensive list of the herpetological discoveries check out the VOF website blog. See the breakdown of individuals, species, and a discussion from VOF staff about the event. Keep your eye out for the many other public programming opportunities the preserve has available this fall!

A showcase of herpetological observations made during this year's BRMNAP BioBlitz! : Photo credits and classification can be found below.

Pseudotriton ruber (Red Salamander) © Janis Stone (@janisstone), all rights reserved [Top Right]; Anaxyrus americanus (American Toad) © Taryn Bk (@taryn20), all rights reserved [Top Left]; Plethodon cylindraceus (White-spotted Slimy Salamander)© Taryn Bk (@taryn20), all rights reserved[Center Left]; Desmognathus fuscus (Northern Dusky Salamander)© Deneith (@dendrologith), all rights reserved [Center]; Pseudacris crucifer (Spring Peeper) © Taryn Bk (@taryn20), all rights reserved [Center Right]; Eurycea bislineata Northern (Two-lined Salamander) © Deneith (@dendrologith), all rights reserved [Bottom Left]; Notophthalmus viridescens (Eastern Newt) © pgwamsley (@pgwamsley), some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC) [Bottom Center]; Virginia valeriae (Smooth Earthsnake)© fieldwork427 (@fieldwork427), some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC) [Bottom Right]

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this short article please leave a comment below to help us gauge community impact for our annual summary. Additionally, if you have any questions, comments, or corrections leave them below. While niche, this platform provides a unique opportunity for naturalists, professionals, and enthusiasts to share their insights and stories regarding the amazing biodiversity that surrounds all of us. If you are interested in visiting the Bull Run Mountains Natural Area preserve or attending public events, please check the links below for more information.

Please note that the VOF owned and operated Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve is protected by the Commonwealth of Virginia under the Virginia Department of Conservation Recourses. Except for certain specific situations, camping, fires, unleashed pets, hunting, off-road vehicles and removal or destruction of plants, animals, minerals or historic artifacts are prohibited. Please respect our community natural and cultural resources.

ABOUT #BullRunMountainsNaturalPreserve
The Bull Run Mountains are the easternmost mountains in Virginia. Virginia Outdoors Foundation - Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve is approximately 2,350 acres that serve as a living laboratory that sits in the backyard of our nation’s capital. The preserve contains 10 different plant community types and a plethora of regionally uncommon and threatened plant and animal species. In 2002, this land was dedicated by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation as a natural area preserve to protect the unique ecosystems found here. As the owner and manager of the preserve, the Virginia Outdoors Foundation is committed to protecting the special ecosystem found here and sharing it with the public through managed access.

Follow us on Social Media!
Instagram: @bullrunmountains
Facebook: Virginia Outdoors Foundation (Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve)
Our website: VOF RESERVES: Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve
Meetup: Public events: Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve Guided Hikes Group
Meetup: Volunteer opportunities: Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve Volunteers

Posted on October 21, 2022 04:21 PM by mjwcarr mjwcarr


Such a great day! Thanks for putting the photos together in context!

Posted by dendrologith almost 2 years ago

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