Eastern Pacific Nudibranch News: Apata pricei is correct as printed in Behrens et al, 2022

Retraction of last week’s correction from the authors: “After much discussion and research we have determined that the book [Behrens et al, 2022] is correct as printed.” So the “southern” nudibranch REMAINS Apata pricei, and the “northern” form (without the reddish bands on the cerata) is Apata cf. pricei.

Good luck re-correcting your IDs and a big thank you to @lutea11 and @jeffgoddard.

@tgosliner @jeffgoddard @hsini_lin @juliabohemian @walkabata @chilipossum @mcduck @passiflora4 @nudibitch @helgeweissig @erwinkoehler @chlorophilia @lemurdillo @jpsilva @imlichentoday @kueda @kestrel @rebeccafay @jannvendetti @hfb @lutea11

Posted on November 12, 2023 10:50 PM by anudibranchmom anudibranchmom


Situational irony is so much more amusing in literature than in real life.

Posted by juliabohemian 10 months ago

thank you!

Posted by nudibitch 10 months ago

Thanks for the follow-up!

Posted by jeffgoddard 10 months ago

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