Journal archives for July 2023

July 24, 2023

Rare Species Sighted on BTC Protected Natural Areas

Hi everyone,

We just wanted to share some of the amazing rare species recently recorded on Bruce Trail Conservancy protected natural areas. These observations were made at the end of June by our Land Stewardship Coordinator & Ecologist, Brian Popelier.

Incredible pair of Red-headed Woodpeckers near Cape Chin:
Red-headed Woodpeckers are Endangered and we likely have a breeding pair on one of our BTC properties.

Milksnake, Peninsula section:
Milksnakes have been recently de-listed in Ontario but are still rated as Special Concern in Canada. Protecting properties in the Peninsula section have helped preserve Milksnake habitat contributing to its de-listing from the Species at Risk list.

Eastern Meadowlark and Bobolink, Peninsula section:
Our protected grasslands and managed hay fields allow plenty of room for these birds to thrive. They are both Threatened species and our fields are full of them.

Baby and mother Sandhill Cranes at Otter Lake Nature Reserve:
Sandhill Cranes are not rare, but the sight of a mother and chick here reveals the importance of this BTC protected natural area to the successful breeding of these amazing birds.

Provanchers Fleabane and Ontario Goldenrod:
Both of these plants are rare but not assessed yet by the provincial Species at Risk Act. The rocky shores and cliffs of the escarpment are some of the only places these plants grow in Canada.

You may be wondering why we haven't shared the location of where some of these rare and endangered species were observed. This in part to protect them and their habitat from any unnecessary disturbances that may affect them. By conserving biodiversity, we can help reduce disruptions in the food chain and habitat which helps protect and recover species at risk.

Posted on July 24, 2023 11:54 AM by shimeem shimeem | 3 comments | Leave a comment