2021 Count Dates

Hello all- if you are interested in participating in any of these counts, reach out to the organizers (pm @catchang- she will send you the direct emails.)

Mt. Diablo - June 1
Berkeley - June 2
Monterey - June 4
Hastings - June 5
Pinnacles NP - June 6
Big Creek - (Cancelled this year due to fire/flood damage.)
Point Reyes - June 10
Marin - June 12
San Francisco/San Bruno - June 13
Benicia - June 14

Posted on May 25, 2021 04:50 AM by catchang catchang


@sarabseth you can do a group msg by writing out the different user names with the @ symbol in front. Feel free to post the sign up link in the comments. I would do that, but I left my computer (that has email) at work.

Posted by catchang about 3 years ago

Names not separated by commas, is it? Conditioned by email, I was putting commas and that didn't work!

Posted by sarabseth about 3 years ago

The link to sign up for the Point Reyes count: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_al1yaqpUhpjbIoHZmWX6fbDDbYBCm3scY9qtbMTtXeBdYw/viewform

It's being organized by Morgan Patton (morgan@eacmarin.org) this time.

Posted by sarabseth about 3 years ago

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