The incongruous dexterity of frogs as 'primitive' vertebrates, part 1

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Frogs (Amphibia: Anura, seemingly remain at a lower evolutionary level than lizards.

Although certain frogs (e.g. Hylidae: Phyllomedusa, possess an opposable thumb, this could be explained as compensation for the fact that no frog possesses horny claws on its forelimbs.

Indeed, none of the six thousand living species of frogs possesses true keratinous claws on the fore digits, despite the facts that

  • supernumerary tubercles, partly analogous with claws, occur on the hands and/or feet of many species, and
  • bony ‘claws’ occur on the hands of a few species.

However, the full dexterity of frogs - which seems incongruous with the 'primitive' image of amphibians - is a phenomenon likely to be under-appreciated by naturalists.

There is no literature comparing dexterity in frogs and lizards. However, a certain categorical difference between these two groups remains unexplained by the presence or absence of claws. The clawless digits of frogs achieve dexterity by a combination of adhesion to objects and the movement of one finger or toe relative to others on the same hand or foot.

I define dexterity as an ability to make differential movements of the digits of hand (manus), foot (pes), or both, in signalling and in manipulating objects or materials.

A typical example of dexterity is movement of the thumb (pollex) relative to other digits. Amphibians retain the thumb despite having lost the fifth digit on the hand. However, dexterity can be achieved by any movement of one digit relative to others on the same limb.

If dexterity is thus defined as differential deployment of the digits in prehending objects other than perches, no lizard shows dexterity.

Although chameleons (Squamata: Lacertilia: Chamaeleonidae, grasp perches by means of opposable digits, this does not qualify as dexterity by my definition. Furthermore, certain tree frogs (Rhacophoridae: Chiromantis, use a similar grasp.

One lineage of arboreal monitor lizards, the Varanus prasinus species-group ( of Australia and New Guinea, is capable of using the whole forelimb to reach into holes to extract prey such as larvae by means of the claws. However, this does not qualify as dexterity because all the claws grapple in unison and the digits are not deployed relative to each other.

By contrast, many lineages of frogs – including truly primitive ones – show dexterity.

Prime examples are as follows:

Certain aquatic frogs are dexterous, as follows.

Aquatic frogs that grasp prey detected by their fingertips in muddy water are not only Pseudidae (Pseudis, mentioned above) but also the particularly primitive family Pipidae (e.g. Xenopus, The latter routinely uses its hands to place food in its mouth, showing unmistakeable dexterity.

African dwarf frogs (Pipidae: Hymenochirus,, which is primitive enough to be called a ‘living fossil’) are noteworthy as the only animals known to achieve dexterity with fully webbed hands. Because no frog swims forward by using its hands propulsively, it is even possible that the main function of webbing on the hand of Hymenochirus is the enhancement of dexterity.

Admittedly, salamanders (Amphibia: Urodela, are not as dexterous as frogs. However, even they are more dexterous than lizards.

For example, the female of a typical newt (Lissotriton, uses the short, clawless digits of her hind foot to fold the leaves of aquatic plants around each of her individual eggs.

In conclusion, what deserves to be acknowledged for the first time is the following:

Frogs are the only vertebrates – with the partial exception of a few species of otters – that have evolved a combination of dexterity and clawlessness. Clawless otters (Aonyx, retain claws on the hind feet, and their manual dexterity is limited by the absence of a thumb.

I infer that frogs are clawless partly because they are dexterous, rather than being dexterous partly because they are clawless.

The important implication of all this dexterity is that the brains of amphibians are, in certain respects, more advanced than those of lizards - despite Amphibia being ancestral to Reptilia.

to be continued in

Posted on June 10, 2022 04:18 PM by milewski milewski


The thumb in the ring-tailed lemur, as an example of lemurs:
The following material seems basic enough, but I have not seen it presented clearly.
Lemurs are good examples of primitive primates. The ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) is the most familiar species. Does the ring-tailed lemur have an opposable thumb, or not?
The answer is yes, but only at about the same level of development as in the more dexterous species of frogs in genus Phyllomedusa.
There is an irony here:
Most persons are proud of their hands, but ashamed of their feet. They see ‘the Hand of Man’ as quasi-divine, whereas the foot as humble, even dirty.
But the biological truth is almost precisely the opposite.
In fact, our hands are remarkably similar to the feet not only of primates generally (including lowly forms such as bushbabies and lemurs and tarsiers), but of climbing marsupials too. The basic design of our hands is ‘a manus converted back to a pes’, within the primate lineage. Meanwhile our much-vaunted hands are similar to the first hand that crawled out of the primordial slime when fishes evolved into amphibians in the Permian.
Meanwhile it is our feet that we humans should be proud of, because there is NOTHING like them in the world of not just primates, not just mammals, but even in all the vertebrates – living and extinct.

The following shows clearly the morphology of the hand in the ring-tailed lemur, which is fairly similar to that in humans.
The following show the foot. As you can see, in both cases digit no. 1 seems opposable, although as in primates generally (and climbing marsupials) the hind foot has the arrangement most similar to the human hand. 

The following shows the hand and foot together.

The following of a juvenile shows that the thumb is not used opposably to grip this stem – while toe no. 1 certainly is.

Nor does the thumb seem to be used opposably in this case. Again, the difference between the foot and the hand is shown.

In the following, the thumb is not well-separated from the next digit, and the arrangement is not suggestive of opposability. This is the kind of ambivalence I have been seeing in illustrations of the hand of the tree frog Phyllomedusa.

In the following, the ring-tailed lemur does seem to use its hand similarly to its feet, i.e. opposing the thumb to the other fingers. As in the frog Phyllomedusa, sometimes this lemur does, and sometimes it does not.

Finally, this adult is using its thumb in a power grip, in opposition to the rest of the hand, to bear its body mass on a vertical stem. Please note the full opposability of the power-grip on the hind limb. This photo proves that the ring-tailed lemur sometimes does use the thumb opposably to grip stems. However, my point is that this pattern is rather ambivalent, and overall no better expressed in this primate, a relative of humans, than in some climbing frogs.

Posted by milewski about 2 years ago

Surprisingly, tarsiers lack an opposable thumb:
Tarsiers have their own family (Tarsiidae) within the Order Primates. Since tarsiers cling to vertical stems, it is easy to expect them to have an opposable thumb. After all, some climbing frogs (e.g. Phyllomedusa) have an opposable thumb, and the ‘greater galago’ (Otolemur) has an opposable thumb used to grip branches.
Furthermore, tarsiers belong not to the primitive lineage of primates that includes bushbabies, lorises and lemurs, but instead to the advanced lineage of primates that includes monkeys, apes and humans. If one of the most primitive of primates, the bushbaby Otolemur, has opposable thumbs, surely tarsiers do too?
As the photos below show: apparently not.
Bottom line:
The frog Phyllomedusa is, in its own way, more similar to humans in hand use than we are our own relatives (i.e. members of our own Suborder of the primates, Haplorrhini), the tarsiers.
The following shows clearly that the arrangements of the fingers in Tarsius is such that the thumb is not necessarilynused to grip the branch in opposition to the other fingers. Instead, the hand of tarsiers tends to be more like the fore-paw of squirrels, complete with sharp claws used for purchase.

The following shows that the first digit of the hind foot is indeed opposable in tarsiers, in common with most primates. So it is the hand that has poorly-developed opposability, despite the widespread opposability of the corresponding digit on the hind limb, among primates and climbing marsupials, and despite the different arrangement of the fingers in Otolemur.

Posted by milewski about 2 years ago

Cruziohyla possibly also has opposable thumb:
The genus Cruziohyla (Hylidae) of central and South America is a new genus containing two species, one of which (C. calcarifer) was formerly placed in Agalychnis, and the other of which (C. craspedopus) was formerly placed in Phyllomedusa. Both are candidates for an opposable thumb, and this warrants investigation.
Cruziohyla craspedopus, pictured below, is regarded as ‘the holy grail’ among Neotropical herpetologists. This is not just a tree frog, but a tree frog of the highest canopy of the Amazon. Hardly anyone has seen it in the wild, because it rarely descends from the heights.

Now, tree frogs are found on all the continents. However, usually they perch low in plants. This is partly because wind desiccates frogs, and wind speed increases with height above ground.

Cruziohyla is an exception to this, perching extremely high. It is also extreme in its camouflage: not just extremely effective disruptive colouration, but an eye that is virtually invisible by day, and an actual leaf-edge form to the legs, complete with chunk bitten out as if by a herbivorous insect.
Do the following photos not suggest that Cruziohyla craspedopus has an opposable thumb, used in gripping thin stems?
Hylidae: Cruziohyla craspedopus:

Posted by milewski about 2 years ago

Photos of Phyllomedusa bicolor, showing opposability of digits:
Phyllomedusa is widely acknowledged as possessing an opposable thumb, and species such as P. bicolor are frequently photographed (scores of images being available for this species, and scores more for various congeners). However, it is not particularly easy to show the opposable thumb in pictures.
Pyllomedusa bicolor, the giant leaf frog, is widespread in Amazonia, as shown by the following map.

The following give an idea of the body size of this species, the giant leaf frog. There are many species of tree frog worldwide, belonging to various families, but P. bicolor is one of the largest.

The following shows that, although the expanded tips of the digits are smaller in Phyllomedusa than in some of the other genera of tree frogs worldwide, they are still quite large. This complicates the business of opposability. Furthermore, the disruptive colouration on these discs makes the digits rather difficult to keep track of in photos. This is an unusually clear photo. However, in most photos the fingers and toes get rather muddled by all the confusing colouration. In this photo, look at the hands: that farther away from the observer shows all four fingers, the innermost of which is the thumb. In the hand closer to the observer, the thumb is hidden behind the forearm. Toe no. 1 is also clearly visible on the foot of this specimen, and this toe is, like the thumb, opposable although not deployed that way in this posture.

The following does illustrate the opposability of both thumb and first toe of the foot. However, the colouration and the expansion of the digit tips tends to obscure things. So, it takes a trained eye to spot the opposability.

The following of P. bicolor, while not showing opposability particularly well, does at least show the digits fairly clearly.

In the following, I think the hands are being deployed to grip the perch with opposability of the thumbs (which are not in view). However, this takes a trained eye to spot because of the disruptive shapes and colour patterns on the digits.

The following shows the thumb well, in a posture suggestive that, when the hand is placed on the perch, it will be done with opposability. Also note that in the case of the hind feet there are three toes visible, suggesting that the other toe, no. 1, is placed behind the stem in opposability.

The following again does seem to show the opposability. However, this is difficult to discern owing to the confusing expansion of the digit tips, and the confusing colouration.

The following shows that the thumb of P. bicolor is sometimes associated with digit no. 2, rather than being offset against digits 20-4. The 2 vs 2 arrangement is what I illustrated elsewhere in the African and Asian genus Chiromantis (Rhacophoridae).

The following confirms that Phyllomedusa bicolor is a bit like Chiromantis in tending to grip perches by a 2 vs 2 opposability, in addition to the 1 vs 3 opposability of the digits of the hand.

In the following of P. bicolor, look at the hand uppermost in the body, on the far side of the animal: one can see that the thumb is being deployed opposably. There are hundreds of species of tree frogs worldwide, but most genera cannot do this.

The following illustrates the high profile among herpetologists of Phyllomedusa. Once again, it shows a specimen using its opposability to cling to a thin stem. However, it once again shows how difficult it can be for the eye to disentangle the digits.

Posted by milewski about 2 years ago

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