The adaptive function of striping in the plains zebra

Before you read this Post, look at

Now please open to view various photos of zebras.

Relax your eyes and let them dance lightly over an image at suitable magnification. Do you notice a slight shimmer?

Another way to practise detecting the shimmer is to use the controls of your device to jiggle the screen slightly and repeatedly.

Striping of a certain configuration shimmers because the close-set, regular juxtaposition of dark and pale confuses your visual system. Imagine how much more shimmer would occur if your eyes were more light-sensitive than human eyes, and more dominated by rods rather than cones (

Seeing may be believing, but sight is a fallible sense. The visual system of any mammal can have ocular ‘bugs’ as well as ‘features’, leaving room for various kinds of illusions.

Mammals have generally evolved colouration that makes them either conspicuous or inconspicuous in their natural environments; and colouration functions both to propose sex and society and to oppose predation.

Explaining the colouration of a given mammalian species means examining a bewildering complexity of factors. However, few have proved as enigmatic as zebras. Does striping deter parasites, regulate temperature, provide an intraspecific 'barcode’ for social identification, or foil charging Carnivora with a dazzling blur of ‘optical art’ as the herd flees?

Have we been thinking about zebras too anthropocentrically and not laterally enough?

Whether mammal species are adapted to blend in or flag themselves, in the struggle among species there is evolutionary scope for the exploitation of any glitches in the design of the retina in particular.

The trouble with interpreting adaptive colouration through human eyes is that most other mammals lack full-colour vision and a retinal fovea ( that can scrutinise static images. Zebras and their predators – particularly members of the cat, dog, and hyena families - see the world as patterns of movement rather than the pictures we see.

To explain the adaptive value of the striping of zebras, we first need to imagine the possible glitches in eyes designed to be sensitive to movement in black, white and grey - by both day and night. So sensitive, indeed, that the central focus we take for granted in our own eyes does not apply, and stripes can never be seen as statically as we see them.

When the relevant predators behold zebras at certain distances, what they may see is a disconcerting flickering. This effect is too subtle in the human eye to be often noticed, but it could be crucial for life or death to zebras in the case of any carnivore relying on examination of the qualities of movement of the walking prey to detect the most vulnerable individuals before attacking.

If so, could the real answer to the puzzle be that striping acts as a sort of ‘visual armour’ against the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta, in particular?

Zebras are closely related to various other members of the genus Equus, living and extinct ( This genus is remarkably widespread, formerly extending from the southern tip of Africa across Eurasia and North America to the southern part of South America.

What sets the habitats of the plains zebra (the various subspecies of Equus quagga other than the extinct quagga, and the mountain zebra (Equus zebra and E. hartmannae, apart from those of other Equus species is that these normally live within a diverse community of large ruminants of approximately similar body size.

The rapid growth and reproduction of these herbivores brings along particularly dense populations of several kinds of Carnivora, each with its own hunting strategy.

Africa is unusual in that until recently the lion, the spotted hyena ( and and painted hunting dog all co-occurred to its southern tip and to the very edges of its deserts.

Not only did each of these predators exerted selective pressure on zebras, but the zebras had to formulate an overall strategy consisting of tactics effective against the various predators.

The lion ambushes zebras where they drink, using surprise and strength to attack the nearest individual, whether it is the weakest or not.

The painted hunting dog is a diurnal galloper that searches at large before targeting vulnerable prey and intimidating them into a test of endurance in which it bites at the legs of its quarry.

The spotted hyena is far larger than the painted hunting dog, hunts alone or gregariously by day or night, has legs specialised for a peculiarly enduring canter, and has particularly versatile teeth. This cursorial species of hyena has been perhaps the most important of predators of Equus in both Africa and Eurasia, despite its misleading reputation as a strictly subSaharan scavenger.

The spotted hyena formerly occurred as far afield as China, probably predating all wild horses and wild asses in its range excluding the kiang (Equus kiang) of Tibet. Indeed, the most important predator of Equus ferus – the now-extinct ancestor of the domestic horse – may well have been the same hyena.

For interactions between the plains zebra and the spotted hyena, see and and and and and and and and and and and and and

Although Equus has succeeded in Africa in competing for grass with ruminants, this has placed zebras in a predatory environment that is both intense and varied.

The ruminants among which zebras live are energy-efficient, fecund and, rapid in locomotion and metabolism.

Owing to the nutritional and digestive strategy of Equus, the reproduction and growth of zebras tends to lag behind that of similar-sized ruminants such as wildebeests (Connochaetes spp.,

This is because odd-toed ungulates in the order Perissodactyla, such as equids, have inefficient teeth and guts when compared to even-toed ungulates in the order Artiodactyla. They compensate for poverty of forage by seeking quantity instead of quality.

An advantage of this strategy is that zebras seldom starve as antelopes episodically do, but a disadvantage is that zebras tend to be limited by predation rather than hunger.

This difference will be familiar to farmers who keep both horse and bovines; even if its body is no larger, it takes the horse longer than bovines to gestate and mature on the same diet.

For example, Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi,, although no more massive than females of the common eland (Taurotragus oryx,, gestates its offspring for 13 months compared to less than 9 months for this, the largest of the antelopes.

This inevitable lagging means that zebras – unlike wild horses and asses - risk what may be called a ‘demographic liability’. If killed proportionate to the rate at which the local predators encountered them, zebras would eventually be exterminated.

Because zebras cannot quickly replace those killed, their anti-predator strategy may have evolved to include extreme and peculiar colouration as a tactic specifically effective against the visual and hunting strategy of the spotted hyena.

Wild horses and asses lacked striping because they did not suffer from the same limitation. Firstly, their habitats generally lacked similar-size ruminants and so supported limited populations of large predators.

And secondly some of them, such as the kiang and African wild ass, lived in such harsh climates that cold was more important than Carnivora as a killer.

The plains zebra occurs in a minority compared to coexisting wildebeests, which, like most species of plains game, stand out from the background more readily than do zebras ( and and and and

At similar range and under the same illumination, the motion-detection capabilities of the spotted hyena would therefore be more effective on wildebeests than on zebras.

The tendency for the plains zebra to mingle with wildebeests might seem to provide ‘safety in numbers’, but it means little without understanding how this species offsets its demographic liability.

Choosing the most vulnerable individual to run down is crucial to the hunting strategy of the spotted hyena.

The evolution of cursorial predators and ‘plains game’ has ensured that speed and endurance are generally closely matched between predator and prey. Neither zebras nor hyena are especially swift. The springbok, wildebeests, and the blackbuck can all reach top speeds of 80 km/h, leaving zebras (approximately 64 km/h) and hyenas (60 km/h) in the dust. Thus, the plains zebra needs further advantages than speed or feistiness. Stripes might buy the zebra enough time to restore some levelness to the playing – or rather killing – field.

Previous attempts to study zebra stripes as an anti-predator strategy have invoked inconspicuousness. However, the plains zebra lives in wide-open habitat, and most 'plains ruminants' have colouration seemingly designed for conspicuousness rather than crypsis/camouflage.

I propose that stripes are designed not to hide the plains zebra but rather to create a frustrating flicker that disrupts the ability of the spotted hyena to quickly scan for juvenile, senile, injured or pregnant individuals, encouraging it to shift its attention to other nearby species. If so, then dismissing stripes as an anti-predator adaptation ( seems premature.

When the spotted hyena scans a group for vulnerable individuals ( and and and and and and and, its vision is designed not to focus on any one at a time, but rather

  • to assess several in one sweep of the eyes, and
  • to detect any compromised gait or other defect in fitness by means of the most subtle of bodily movements.

The ocular system of the spotted hyena and other large cursorial predators in the order Carnivora differs from that of humans.

A 2003 study by Jack Calderone and colleagues found that the retina of the spotted hyena is specialised for detecting motion at the expense of visual acuity – and even more so than in comparable carnivores.

Cones (the main providers of visual acuity) contribute a mere 1% of photoreceptors in the eye of the spotted hyena, whereas black-and-white detecting rods contribute 99%. Although the spotted hyena technically has the capacity for dichromatic colour vision, its lack of cones render it nearly colour-blind. Its visual field also extends horizontally in a 'foveal streak', without any circular fovea in the centre of the retina at which precise, static focus can be achieved. This result is a specialisation on sensitivity to motion, that probably exacerbates the ‘flicker’ effect I demonstrated at the start of this Post.

In hyenas, this motion-sensitivity is not merely a function of nocturnal activity.

The vision of the spotted hyena is in some ways clearer than that of humans even in the bright light of day. But it is also in some ways more easily disrupted.

A similarly confusing effect, in the form of dynamic blur ( and and when zebras run in a group, has been suggested as the main value of striping in protecting individual zebras from predators. This oft-repeated explanation - that striping confuses the charging predator - is a case of ‘so near and yet so far’.

So near, because the striping probably does confuse the visual system of Carnivora, and so far, because it is before, not during, a charge that the striping would make the most difference.

To the spotted hyena, the difference in fitness between a vigorous individual and a slightly lame individual of a wildebeest may be as obvious as the difference most humans would detect between a figure in red clothing and a figure in green clothing.

By disrupting the retinal sensitivity of the carnivore, zebras hypothetically disable the spotted hyena from distinguishing a zebra’s meaningful movements - such as a slight lameness in one limb - from meaningless flickering. Even if the carnivore overcomes the disruption, it is likely to be retarded in its efforts to scan the prospective prey.

This rationale holds even when individuals are away from other members of the herd, as often happens in zebras.

The motion-specialised retina of the spotted hyena might mean that this predator does not see zebras as striped at all, at distances greater than 10–20 metres.

Even to the human eye, which is better-suited to differentiating the space between black lines, zebras appear as non-descript grey shapes in the distance.

What we see as striping at 100 m may be mere ‘visual interference’ to the spotted hyena. Even this would not hide the zebra; it would simply make it harder for the hyena to gauge its gait and fitness, encouraging the predator to turn elsewhere.

The spotted hyena might be hindered by zebras, but it is aided in its ‘predatory triage’ by other species. Antelopes such as thenspringbok, and other equids including the kiang, often cooperate by engaging in individual fitness displays that help predators choose the weakest link.

Displays such as pronking, stotting or proud trotting follow the handicap principle first proposed by Israeli biologist Amotz Zahavi in 1975. Essentially, these extravagant displays are both honest (only fit individuals can afford energy-inefficient displays) and paradoxical: on one hand advertising to the predator ‘I’m so much fitter than these guys’ and on the other hand simultaneously decreasing fitness by making the individual more conspicuous and expending valuable energy right before a potential chase.

So if we assume that zebras ‘flicker’, why hasn’t the spotted hyena evolved a counter-measure?

It is likely that the hyena cannot affordably adapt to this problem because the selective pressure operating on its vision remains the priority of assessing wildebeests and other abundant ruminants, which are the more common, fecund prey on which the spotted hyena inevitably depends.

To us, mountain zebras appear well camouflaged among the broken lines of their rocky habitat. However, it is important to remember that carnivores preying on zebras are more attuned to movement than we are, and that the spotted hyena does not hunt in rocky habitats.

The distribution of mountain zebras, far south of the central African woodlands, and in semi-arid environments that attract fewer biting insects, raises questions about the ‘insect-deterrence’ theory.


Calderone JB, Reese BE, Jacobs GH. 2003. Topography of photoreceptors and retinal ganglion cells in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta). Brain, behavior and evolution, 62(4):182–192. (

Caro T et al. 2014. The function of zebra stripes. Nature communications 5: 3535. (

Larison B, et al. 2015. How the zebra got its stripes: a problem with too many solutions. Royal Society open science, 2(1): 140452. (

Posted on June 15, 2022 12:34 AM by milewski milewski


Wow! An incredible Post!

Posted by ludwig_muller over 2 years ago

I heard that the Namibian wild horses were being heavily predated on by hyaenas, so much so that if the hyaenas had not been exterminated the horses would probably have died out. Maybe this is due to a lack of protective striping in an animal otherwise very similar to a zebra?
Note: my source did not mention which species of hyaena was involved.

Posted by ludwig_muller over 2 years ago

It was probably Parahyaena brunnea

Posted by ludwig_muller over 2 years ago

Another very interesting read. Thank you. I am a complete amateur but have been interested in animal sight for some time; mammals, but also more recently, arthropods. Mammal colouration is inevitably discussed by guides in reserves and in popular literature in the context of human sight. I have always felt that it is far more relevant to try to understand it in the context of mammal (predator/prey) sight. Your post on the flags of lions and cheetah was also very interesting in this regard. I look forward to learning more.

Posted by doug263 over 2 years ago

But why can your theory not apply to biting flies as well. After all if flies primarily discern movement, then can the same arguments not apply! Why not turn two stones at once?

Similarly: why only Zebras: no Rhinos or Elephants or Hyraxes? No marsupials? No birds? If a few stripes can confuse predators, then why is everything not striped? What other animals have black and white stripes - Zorillas, Badgers, Ratels - and why are those warnings not confusings?

Posted by tonyrebelo over 2 years ago


The main problem with the explanation invoking insects is that it assumes something special in the relationship between subSaharan equids and biting flies. What would be special here, accounting for a special adaptation seen neither in other ungulates in Africa, nor in equids elsewhere?

My explanation invokes something special in the relationship between the plains zebra and the spotted hyena. This is the combination of
1 a particular predator with certain characteristics different from those of other Carnivora,
2 a particular reliance, by the predator, on singling out a vulnerable individual for attack,
3 a particular scale in the images involved (a predator with a certain optical power scans prey of a certain body size, typically at a certain range of distances), and
4 a particular demographic liability on the part of the prey.

The plains zebra shimmers in the eyes of the spotted hyena because of the particular combination of the size and spacing of the stripes, the range at which the stripes are scanned, and the optical properties of the retina of the predator.

What the zebra is doing, in adaptive terms, is basically to compensate for its disadvantage in terms of an Africa-specific demographic liability, by means of an advantage in 'disarming' the scanning mechanism of the predator.

The latter is best understood in terms of the economics of time. The spotted hyena must not only scan before attacking, it must achieve its scanning at a certain rate. What the stripes hypothetically achieve is to retard this scanning, causing the predator to shift its scanning instead to adjacent prey species - i.e. ruminants - that do not have the demographic liability.

The 'achilles heel' of the plains zebra is its slow reproduction. The 'achilles heel' of the spotted hyena is its flicker-sensitive retina. By putting these together, striping allows these two species to continue to coexist.

When skunks display their striping, the context is different in terms of scale, range, and the optical systems of the potential predators. The striping of the skunk is too spaced-out, at the close range involved, for the viewer to perceive any shimmer. The skunk is not trying to hide subtle aspects of posture and movement, it is simply self-advertising (ominously) in a general way. The potential predators involved are various, with various optical adaptations. The nature of the message is different, in the same sense that the signal given by a 'zebra crossing' for pedestrians is different, in the eyes of a human driver, from the signal given by the optical puzzle I introduced at the start of this Post.

In summary, it is not that striping is confusing per se. It is only confusing in the special context of this particular interaction. And it is not the case that scrambling the retinal signal of the predator would be the best protection for other species of prey, or for prey generally. It is the best tactic in this particular case because of the particular context of risk/reward, or cost/benefit.

The plains zebra would not be especially liable demographically (to inadvertent victimisation) were it not for its inferior reproductive rate relative to the predominant species of prey in its ecosystem. The spotted hyena would not be especially liable optically (to 'retinal scrambling') were it not for its particular optical system and reliance on targeting the unfit. The evolutionary interplay between these two liabilities, on the part of prey and predator, provides a robust conceptual framework that I have not found in any other explanation of the striping of the plains zebra, including the one invoking biting flies.

Yet another aspect is as follows: A basic pattern in 'plains ruminants' is that individuals stot when scanning predators arrive. The tactic is to shift the attention of the predator away from the obviously-fit and on to the less fit. Stotting cooperates with the visual system of predators to ensure that the least-fit are targeted, which makes demographic sense and serves both predator and prey.

The tactic of the plains zebra also involves a shifting of attention, but in a sense by an opposite method to that seen in stotting (which the plains zebra never performs, even as an exuberant juvenile). Instead of enhancing the visual system of the predator in discerning individual fitness, the plains zebra hinders it. The effect is similar in that the attention of the predator is shifted. But the crucial difference is that, in this case, it tends to be shifted not from a fit individual ruminant to an unfit one, but instead from the plains zebra as a category to ruminants as a category. This makes sense because, in a sense, the whole population of the plains zebra is 'unfit' to start with, owing to its inability to sustain the offtake rates normal for the ruminants around it.

Does this help to explain?

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago


In the most concise evolutionary terms: demographic liability (prey) + optical liability (predator) = a particular pattern of striping.

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

You merely reiterated above what you said earlier, an argument that I accepted. But the Tsetse Fly hypothesis is more parsimonious, requiring fewer assumptions (1. zebras are particularly susceptible to Trypanosoma, and 2. shimmering out of Tsetse vision is a solution), and is tested (fly traps painted with stripes catch less flies), and offers predictions: no Tsetse - no stripes: works with Equus quagga sensu latu, but E. zebra is a problem. Zebras are not listed as Tsetse hosts (
However, Spotted Hyenas occured to Cape Town, where Zebras do not shimmer, and they extended to Asia, where no equids went stripy/shimmery.
Einsteins Razor: any theory must be as simple as possible and no simpler. I think the balance favours Tsetse over Hyenas, although I still think - if one solution solves two problems, then go for it.

Posted by tonyrebelo over 2 years ago


Why, at a basic ecological/physiological level, would the plains zebra be particularly susceptible to Trypanosoma? And, if it was, would the evolutionarily parsimonious adaptive option not be simply to improve immunity at the level of the physiological immune system?

Is it really scientifically parsimonious to invoke a parasitic insect, or the parasitic disease it transmits, as constituting a selective pressure so great that it shapes a major aspect of the appearance of a large-bodied animal? Flies and trypanosomes certainly reduce the vigour of their victims, but can this really be considered on a par with a major predator, which kills outright?

We see, everywhere in the animal world, major adaptations to predation, from the anatomy of limbs to the colouration of skunks, and from the armour of armadillos to the stotting of gazelles. Subordinate only to nutrition and sex, the animal world seems to revolve around predation - a powerful-enough phenomenon to shape animals profoundly.

Is there any comparable adaptive power in the phenomenon of parasitism? What would be an example of a mammalian species the basic appearance of which is shaped by anti-parasite adaptation?

A problem with invoking flies in explanation of the striping of the plains zebra is that this striping has major effects on various other adaptive options in the life of the equid. To the degree that it affects predation, surely the costs might exceed the benefits?

I.e. there is surely a hierarchy of importance, and a set of priorities, in overall adaptation? First come the lethal risks, then come the minor risks. Is invoking flies not somewhat akin to a 'tail wags the dog' rationale?

The extinct quagga is indeed puzzling w.r.t. the relationship of the plains zebra to the spotted hyena. This does deserve more thought.

However, my biggest problem with Caro's idea w.r.t. flies is that I know of no other case of a major adaptive feature in a large-bodied vertebrate being profoundly modified by selective pressure from a microorganism. In that sense, Caro's hypothesis seems fundamentally non-parsimonious to me. Flies do not seem to have much explanatory value, because no basic energetic/evolutionary principles seem to be revealed. And this problem is hardly mitigated by his experimental tests, because in Science the conceptual framework is more important than experimental verification. No experiment means much except with reference to a particular set of principles.

Your further thoughts?

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

@ludwig_muller @dinofelis

Many thanks for the interesting information you posted.

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

@beartracker Wildebeests (Connochaetes) and the plains zebra live together, face the same predators, and have extremely precocial newborns. However, they differ in stotting behaviour. The plains zebra does not stot even in infancy, whereas the following shows that Connochaetes mearnsi does so: The following shows that play-running in the plains zebra is exuberant, but does not involve any special gait such as bouncing or style-trotting: Here is comparable footage for Grevy's zebra: and

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

Thank you. This is an interesting post.

Posted by beartracker over 2 years ago


Equids tend to reproduce more slowly than like-size ruminants which outnumber them in their African habitats. Because the carrying capacity for predators depends mainly on the ruminants (which is simply because the ruminants provide most of the food for the predators), the equids will tend eventually to be exterminated if they are predated in proportion to their numbers.
Let us say the prey community consists of just one species of wildebeest (80% of total population) and one species of zebra (20% of total population). The reproductive = offtake rate of the whole prey community, which maintains constant density from year to year, is x. This value, x, is determined mainly by the wildebeest in our example community. Equids have a reproductive rate of y, a value smaller than x. If predators take the zebra at a rate of one in five kills (in proportion to their contribution to the instantaneous population), then the zebra will be depleted at the rate of x-y even as the wildebeest slowly and slightly increases its numbers.

Eventually the proportion of the population consisting of the zebra will be 0%. The predation has been fully sustainable for the prey community as a whole, but the equid has disappeared from the community.
The idea is that, in a mathematical sense, the zebra is being discriminated against. The predators are not particularly victimising the zebra but the zebra cannot replace itself at a sustainable rate even when it is picked off at random from a collective population on a level playing field. In order to survive, it has to put more into protecting and defending itself from predators than the wildebeest does. Since the equid cannot boost its reproductive rate, if it is to survive it must somehow lower its predation rate.
The zebra cannot outrun the ruminants, which are already world-beaters in speed and endurance. However, it can be more extreme than the wildebeest in several features relevant to predation, such as:

 a) precociality of neonates (wildebeests too have remarkably precocial neonates, but the size relative to maternal size is greater in zebras) 

b) defence of infants by the whole group, not just the mother (as far as I know no wildebeest emulates zebras in this way) 

c) kicking (more powerful and directed than in like-size ruminants, particularly wildebeests) 

d) skin-shield (a minor form of armour) on the rump (although wildebeests are extremely tough animals, e.g. when shot with bullets, as far as I know there is nothing special about the skin on the rump) 

e) defence of females by males despite sexual monomorphism (as far as I know, wildebeests show no defence of others by males, even though some forms of wildebeest are among the feistier of antelopes vs predators by means of their horns) 

f) vigilance (zebras have proportionately larger eyes than those of wildebeests)

g) refuge behaviour at night (as far as I know, wildebeests do not resort to bedding areas with particularly short, open vegetation to the degree that some zebras do) 

h) alarm-vocalisation (although wildebeests snort in alarm, they do not vocalise in alarm and even their social vocalisations are relatively soft) 

i) seeking proximity to wildebeests and other ruminants (it seems to be zebras that seek out ruminants, rather than vice-versa).  

It is to this list that I add the striping, which can be thought of as ‘the visual equivalent of armour’ in the sense that it tends to make the zebra ‘impenetrable’ to the gaze of certain predators. 

(continued in next comment...)

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

(...continued from last comment)

Now, it is one thing to conceptualise that the zebra is more intensely protected/defended than the wildebeest is, and protected/defended in a greater variety of ways than the zebra is. But it is another thing to conceptualise that various of these specialised protections/defences have evolved mainly against various members of the predatory guild in question.

Let us think this through w.r.t. lion, painted hunting dog, and spotted hyena, and leaving the human predator out of the question despite the fact that humans have long been ‘natural’ predators on zebras. 

Precociality of neonates has costs and benefits. On one hand, the newborn is able to flee remarkably soon. On the other hand, the extreme condition of the mother in advanced pregnancy might be a disadvantage. One seldom spots advanced pregnancy in wildebeests; their bellies do not bulge noticeably. By contrast zebras become conspicuously pregnant near-term. This is not only potentially obvious to the predator, but might retard the speed and/or endurance of the mother.

Would this relate differently to the three predators, according to the question ‘vs which predator would precociality be most effective’? The answer is not obvious to me.

Defence of infants: Again, it is unclear whether this would be more or less effective against any particular predator.

Kicking and skin-shield: It seems reasonable that this is most effective against the lion. When the lion springs on to the zebra from behind, both skin-shield and kicking work together. The spotted hyena never leaps up into a similar position, and seems to concentrate on hamstringing the prey. When the painted hunting dog nips at the feet of rapidly fleeing zebras, the powerful kick can hardly be deployed.
Defence of females by males: This would seem to apply mainly to spotted hyena and painted hunting dog, rather than lion.
Vigilance: This should be most effective vs the lion, particularly at night. In the case of spotted hyena and painted hunting dog, any particular vigilance (exceeding that in wildebeests) would not seem to confer much advantage, because zebras do not flee at the approach of cursorial predators, any more than other ungulates would (this tactic tends to be futile, although one species arguably using it is the eland). The appropriate reaction to the approach of cursorial predators is for the prey species to wait until the chase begins in earnest. On the other hand, the extremely large eyes might be critical even during long chases at night (i.e. by spotted hyena) because they help the zebras to avoid obstacles.
Refuge behaviour at night: This does not apply to the painted hunting dog, which is diurnal. However, it would be effective vs the lion, which needs cover for stalking. How it relates to the spotted hyena deserves more thought, because it is not as if herding out in the open at night, and remaining as inactive as possible at night, prevents the spotted hyena from embarking on a chase of the zebras, does it?
Alarm-vocalisation: This is rather an enigmatic behaviour in zebras, because it seems to be part-social and part-anti-predation. Field studies are needed. Which animals are the vocalisations directed at, and which messages do they convey?
Seeking proximity to wildebeests and other ruminants: This could work vs all three predatory species, but the strongest rationale can be made w.r.t. the spotted hyena, invoking the function of striping. One aspect that still needs to be examined thoroughly is the fact that all forms of wildebeest other than Connochaetes gnou do themselves have slight striping (= brindling). They are exceptional among ruminants in possessing such a pattern.

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

Here is unusually clear footage of the Asian wild ass:

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

@beartracker The Colombian black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus, and and and and of northern California and adjacent states in northwestern North America is an example of a species of hoofed mammal that possesses a ‘walking stot’.

Instead of running, it merely walks in an exaggeratedly energetic way with its caudal flag activated. This is as if to show its fitness with the confidence that running is, at least initially, unnecessary.
Imagine being suddenly faced by a group of shady youths in a dimly-lit alley in a crime-prone city. One knows instinctively that if one shows fear, this tends to bring on that which one fears. So, two choices are to a) run as fast as possible, or b) bluff confidence. If one runs, this can be taken as a sign of vulnerability which might elicit a chase, something which is in itself risky in unfamiliar territory even if one does somehow manage to outrun the gang. If one bluffs, one tends to ‘appease’ the predatory instinct of criminals, allowing them to wait for someone more vulnerable and someone who can be robbed with less trouble to the robbers. So in some situations the best tactic is to continue walking confidently, with a particular spring in one step, as if there is little to be concerned about. This seems to be the essence of the ‘alarm walk’ of the Columbian black-tailed deer.
The following summarises the above findings ( re the ‘alarm walking gait’ of the Columbian black-tailed deer: "Alarm Walking...New behavior of the Colombian Black tailed deer. This behavior is called alarm walking (Stankowich and Coss 2008). Alarm walking is the same pattern of a prancing horse but at a slower speed..."
Following the publication of this research, the pattern of behaviour was recognised and photogaphed by a lay person (, who wrote "he started to walk back and forth in front of me with this odd sort of strut. He was obviously a very young buck, with his baby fawn spots still slightly visible on his back."
There is a conspicuous pattern on the hindquarters in the Columbian black-tailed deer, which hypothetically adds a kind of exclamation mark to any display of fitness. The black-and-white pattern on and near the tail remains the same across the seasons.

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

I've seen that alarm walking behavior many times in blacktailed deer. They are the only deer species in my area. They hold their head up and walk with a sort of stiff-legged gait. It's interesting to watch.

Posted by beartracker over 2 years ago

@tonyrebelo A line of evidence undermining Caro's emphasis on biting flies as a major selective pressure on colouration in zebras is that zebras have shorter tail-tassels than those of horses, the opposite of what one would expect for tropical ungulates particularly bothered by flies.
Does it makes sense that zebras would have evolved extreme colouration to deter biting flies, without first extending the length of their tail-tassel well within the phylogenetic capabilities of their genus?
Everyone knows that the domestic horse has a long tail-tassel, but look at this extreme example:
Here again is the domestic horse, in the form of the Arabian breed. The tail-tassel reaches nearly to the fetlocks when the tail is relaxed:

Likewise in the takhi the tail-tassel can reach to the fetlocks:

Extinct Equus ferus seems to have had a tail-tassel reaching to the fetlocks, judging from this cave painting:

Although the donkey has a shorter tail-tassel than that of horses, this otherwise ordinary individual has a tail reaching below the hocks:

In the Mongolian wild ass, the tail-tassel reaches to the fetlocks:

By contrast, Grevy’s zebra has a short tassel, reaching only to the hock, and all individuals are uniform in this:

Hartmann’s mountain zebra has a tassel of similar length to that of other zebras: and

The tail-tassel of the Cape mountain zebra is no longer than that of Hartmann’s: and

In the plains zebra the tail extends somewhat below the hock, but is not long for genus Equus: and and and

These show the extreme length for the plains zebra: and

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

The dont need the tail as the flies cannot see them ....

Posted by tonyrebelo over 2 years ago

The following is perfectly composed to show certain subtle convergences between Giraffa giraffa (adult female) and Equus quagga chapmani (adult female):

Both giraffes and zebras have disruptive colouration, i.e. they hide from their predators in a sense, despite living in open vegetation. But both have, for some reason, evolved whitish back-of-ear displays that, under certain circumstances, allow self-advertisement to conspecifics.
What is particularly nice is that in both cases the whitish back-of-ear is further accentuated by ‘dark punctuation’, in the case of the giraffe by the blackish horn-tassels, and in the case of the zebra by both the blackish mane-tip and the blackish ear-tips.
Another, even more subtle point illustrated here: both the southern giraffe and the southern plains zebra have a tendency to pale on the buttocks (with minimal spotting/striping). In both cases this pale area can be ‘strobed’ by the swishing of the dark tail-tassel. In the case of the zebra there is an additional dark/pale contrast in the form of the black bare skin of the perineum.

Another similarity, although not clearly seen on the giraffe because it is too far away, is that the stalks of the tails in both species are disruptively marked (small spots in the case of the giraffe and small stripes in the case of the zebra). That Nature has ‘bothered’ to craft such fine disruptive markings on the tail-stalks despite the partially self-advertising pattern on the hindquarters is one of those unexplained quirks of Nature.
As a third and even more subtle convergence, both animals have dark muzzle-tips.

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

Interestingly, bobcats have black backs of their ears, with a white spot in the center. Maybe because the markings look like eyes?

Posted by beartracker over 2 years ago

Thanks! More great articles for me to read. Awesome references!

Posted by beartracker over 2 years ago

The flicker-effect of zebra striping in the eyes of Carnivora is crucial for my explanation. Does our knowledge of vision in the domestic dog support the idea that Carnivora tend to see flickering even where the human eye would not?
The summary below suggests that the answer is yes. In addition to being more motion-sensitive and light-sensitive than the human eye, the dog’s eye is also known to be more flicker-sensitive specifically.
This is support for the idea that the spotted hyena is likely to see flickering when observing a stationary zebra, provided that one is prepared to extrapolate from canids to hyenids.
What the account below suggests is that when human and dog sit watching TV, the experience is pleasant and informative for the human, but not for the dog. The reason is that what the dog sees is not moving pictures as much as an interference effect.
True, a difference between TV screen and stationary zebra is that the former has moving stimuli, whereas the latter has stationary stimuli. However, the crucial fact here is that even the human eye sometimes sees an ‘illusory’ flicker when viewing zebra striping, as I have shown with both still pictures and video footage. Given that even our eye sees flickering in what is actually a stationary scene, it seems likely – putting these two lines of evidence together – that the carnivore will see a disconcerting degree of flickering when watching a stationary or slow-moving zebra.

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

I have found at least four video clips showing the plains zebra defending itself from the seemingly playful but potentially deadly attentions of the painted hunting dog (Lycaon pictus). Another, , further shows the nature of the relationship between this prey species and this predator species. The juvenile zebra was apparently killed by a wire trap, not the canids. However, the point is that once again we see that the adult zebra has little to fear from the canid, as long as it stands its ground and is prepared to fight (bite) back. It is hard to see how striping would affect this relationship.

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

Explanation of how the domestic dog sees striping:
Please see and
The idea is to imagine a full moon, as seen in the sky by the human eye or the dog’s eye.
The human eye, when emmetropic (, can discern about 150 stripes packed into the area of the full moon. (It would be interesting to calculate the distance to which this corresponds in the case of a human spotting a distant zebra, but I do not know the relevant factor.)
Now, the domestic dog can only discern about 30 stripes on the same area of a full moon. It seems to be unknown to what degree this limitation is the result of simply inferior visual acuity, vs a flicker-effect that overrides visual acuity. (The reference below, although sound, does not invoke any flicker-effect in this comparison.)
Although it may seem competent that the dog can look at an area as small as the full moon in the sky and discern a hypothetical 30 stripes on this area, its ability is about 5-fold inferior to the human ability in this regard.
So, the human eye will be able to discern striping on a distant zebra much farther away than is possible for a dog – despite the fact that the pupil of dog is larger than that of human.
The spotted hyena has absolutely larger eyes than that of the dog, but its value is similar: about 30 stripes on the full moon. This is because the spotted hyena - although it often hunts and perform other activities by day - has a retina dominated by rods (,responsible%20for%20high%20spatial%20acuity.), reducing its visual acuity in a way typical for nocturnal mammals (Calderone et al. 2003).

Although it seems likely that Carnivora can see zebra striping up-close (e.g. a few tens of metres distant), it remains unknown at which distance the hypothesised flicker-effect sets in. At some range of distances it seems reasonable to assume that the dog will see the zebra as striped, but with the stripes flickering.

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

The following photos show clearly that the iris size and pupil size are greater in the domestic dog than in the human species, at least in the case of large breeds of dog with body mass > 35 kg. However, the eyeball size remains inferior in dog relative to human; as I understand it eyeball diameter is about 17.5 mm in dog, compared with about 25 mm in human.,1282296080,4/stock-photo-big-dog-and-the-woman-59401591.jpg

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

@tonyrebelo @jacqueline_llerena @beartracker

Visual acuity ( in the cursorial carnivores that prey on zebras:
A human with normal visual acuity has 20/20 vision (able to discern lines of standard separation at a distance of 20 feet). The domestic dog has visual acuity of only about 20/80.

Whereas an average human (with normal healthy eyes, and in normal daylight) can distinguish lines at a range of 80 feet, the dog cannot do so beyond 20 feet. Because the visual acuity of dog is only about a quarter of the human value, the dog needs to be much closer to the lines to see that they are lines in the first place (as opposed to a grey blur).

(Some hawks have visual acuity of 20/2, which means that they can see the same lines from an order of magnitude farther away than is possible for a normal average human with healthy eyes.)
The wolf may exceed the domestic dog in visual acuity. However, it probably remains far inferior to the human in normal daylight, in this particular parameter. In dim light, the visual acuity of dog and wolf are of course superior to ours. However, lines are so hard to tell apart in dim light that dog/wolf probably still cannot distinguish lines at any distance to speak of.
This means that objects that humans can see to be striped, in normal daylight, would tend to lose their stripiness in the wolf’s eyes at the same distance. And the ability of the wolf to see well in dim light would not much alter this.
At any distance, the stripes of zebras are probably invisible to the wolf. How far does a zebra have to be from a normal human with healthy eyes, before its stripes blur into a greyish smudge. 100 m? If so, then a wolf probably loses sight of the striping at distances > 50 m, or perhaps even > 30m?
This may help to explain how zebras contrive to use a disruptive pattern (in our eyes) to achieve a cryptic pattern (in the wolf's eyes). To their natural predators, zebras possibly look stripeless and greyish at any distance - except for those parts of the body on which the striping is particularly bold. When they approach closely enough to see the striping, the disconcerting flicker effect presumably arises.
Felids are inferior again to canids, in visual acuity. Thus, a lion probably needs to be even closer to a zebra than does an African hunting dog, in order to discern stripiness.
The visual acuity of the domestic horse is said to be 20/30, superior to canids and felids, but inferior to humans. Where a normal human with healthy eyes can tell lines apart at 30 feet, the domestic horse needs to be 20 feet from the lines to see them as lines, as opposed to a greyish blur. So, zebras are far more likely to see each other’s stripes, at any distance, than their canid predators are, and far more likely than their felid predators are.
The horse has visual acuity inferior to that of humans, despite a much larger eye, and partly because it lacks a fovea ( The horse instead has a retina with the most sensitive part arranged in a horizontal ‘streak’. The horizontal alignment allows the horse to monitor most of the horizon around the animal without moving the head. The horse, in a way, trades quality of vision for quantity of vision. It sees over a wider horizon than we do, but with less acuity.

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

Further insight into the visual system of the wolf (Canis lupus):
The following paper ( explains canine vision in detail. Not only does the wolf lack a fovea. It has a horizontally aligned retina, despite lacking the horizontal slit pupil ( of its ungulate prey.

Therefore, the canine eye is adapted to scan the horizon, rather than to focus on a particular point in front of the face. Because the wolf has visual acuity inferior to that of humans in bright light, a zebra at some distance probably looks grey to it, rather than striped. More importantly, the motion-sensitivity of a horizon-scanning retina probably means that the wolf never sees striping without an accompanying flicker effect.

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

Confirming that vision in felids is similar to that in hyenids and canids: 
Of all the books I possess, perhaps the best in describing and explaining vision in felids is ‘Cat sense: inside the feline mind’ (1994) by Pirincci A & Degen R, Fourth Estate, London.
The cheetah has forward-facing eyes in a human-like face, and seems to focus intently on its prey with circular pupils (unlike the vertical slit pupils of smaller felids). However, even this species lacks the fovea so important in the human retina. Instead, like the wolf, the retina of the cheetah has a horizontal streak (more like that of its prey the gazelles). This enables it to scan a horizon for movement, rather than to study any specific object by focussing on it. So a cheetah can possibly look right at a zebra and not see it, unless it moves. This is true despite the fact that the cheetah has excellent vision, and depth-perception.
Felids assess distances not purely by our binocular method, but partly by moving their heads in a small arc. This is well-known in the domestic cat. Felids are good at judging distance when pouncing on prey or jumping from branch to branch. However, this does not necessarily mean that they can focus on an object, in the way we do.
Although felids are more binocular than canids (and I think the striped hyena is more binocular than the spotted hyena, judging from photos), it is nevertheless true that felids retain more peripheral vision that humans do. This seems to apply even to the largest felids, such as the lion. Felids simply cannot focus on, and study, stationary objects in the way that humans take for granted. The felid eye remains, like that of its prey and other Carnivora, mainly designed to detect movement and to do so even in dim light.
All Carnivora, then, have eyes different from human eyes, in being far more sensitive to movement at the expense of an ability to study stationary objects. There is variation among Carnivora, with some forms more binocular than others. However, binocularity, as seen in felids, is limited. It can be misleading, if one assumes that it means much convergence with the foveal focus of vision so typical of humans. Even to the lion or the cheetah, the zebra is seen quite differently from the way we see it. My readings indicate that any differences between spotted hyena and lion are minor, and that the same explanation for the adaptive value of striping in zebras would apply to all the non-human predators of zebras.

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

@jacqueline_llerena @tonyrebelo @jeremygilmore @ludwig_muller @beartracker @maxallen @matthewinabinett

Can any naturalist think of zebras the same way again after opening this website, and staring at this image?
(bearing in mind that cursorial carnivores can only make ends meet by carefully selecting the least-fit individuals in groups of prey)

Also see

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

I like the idea behind They have tried to show, in the form of actual picture comparisons, how felids see the world relative to how humans see the same scenes.

I could quibble with some details (e.g. I do not think that the night-vision pictures adequately show that felids see much more in near-darkness than we do). However, one still gets a good idea of how BLURRY felid vision is, compared to human vision - under almost all circumstances. Felids do not care about this blurriness, because they are not trying to focus on objects as we do. The lack of visual acuity and focus is more than compensated, in a felid’s sensory world, by a) extremely good detection of rapid movements (far superior to ours), b) extremely good detection of movement even in the dark (ever farther superior to ours), and c) a sense of hearing far superior to ours.
Surprising as it may seem, a domestic cat cannot focus, either on its human’s face, or on objects a hundred metres distant.
This means that the striping of zebras will surely look blurred to a felid, either in a static way or with flickering.
The flickering can be regarded as an ‘anti-focus’ effect, i.e. an actual aggravation of the already poor ability of the felid eye to focus. Without getting too technical, the reason why felids see as flickering things that we see as steady (e.g. a TV screen) is that their retinas are so extremely sensitive to movement that they detect motion that our eyes overlook, in space as well as in time.

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

This is a great post!

Posted by beartracker over 2 years ago

Lateral inhibition! Weird!

Posted by beartracker over 2 years ago

@beartracker @matthewinabinett

We have woken up to the scope for optical distortion by means of pattern of colouration. What are the chances that no large animal on Earth has adapted in such a way as to exploit this principle, to scramble attempts by scanning predators to detect individual vulnerability (lameness, pregnancy, etc.)? Rather than zebra-striping being surprising, is the real surprise not that a) there are so few cases of exploitation of flicker effects among large mammals, and b) it has taken us naturalists so long to invoke this principle (as opposed to the relatively crude principles of crypsis/camouflage/conspicuousness) in explanation of animal colouration?

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago

Dont forget that this was the reasoning for Tsetse Flies not being able to detect Zebras!

Posted by tonyrebelo over 2 years ago

@tonyrebelo Thank you for reminding us. However, the two biggest problems with Caro's explanation are a) he invoked optical distortion as a peculiar feature of biting flies, rather than as a profound principle, and b) biting flies, in the overall cost/benefit regime of adaptive options, are likely to be subordinate to outright killers such as Carnivora. The crucial point is that zebras cannot prioritise flies in their strategy for animal colouration, because the anti-fly-adaptation will inevitably affect their adaptation to Carnivora. If a pattern of value against flies has no value against the spotted hyena, its costs will tend to outweigh its benefits. Furthermore, there is nothing about zebras and parasites (including flies) that suggests particular vulnerability, whereas the principle of demographic liability does suggest this in the case of predators. And then there remains the problem with the tail-tassel. If zebras are particularly beset by flies, they should at the very least use an already existing organ, shared by all equids, to the fullest, before resorting to adaptations that might compromise them w.r.t. predators. Instead, the tail-tassels of zebras are on the short side among forms of Equus. By the way, the fact that, within Eurasian wild asses, it is the Mongolian wild ass that has an extremely long tail-tassel, whereas it is the Indian wild ass that has an extremely short tail tassel, might possibly be explained by an acute pressure from parasitic dipterans in the more seasonal climate at higher latitudes. Please see

Posted by milewski over 2 years ago
"Early experiments in the 1980s ... tsetse flies and horseflies avoid landing on striped surfaces and .... confirmed more recently."
"... across the geographic range of the seven living species of equids. ... intensity of striping closely parallels biting fly annoyance in Africa and Asia ... annoyance from horseflies is prolonged over the year ... likely to have marked striping patterns."
two species of tsetse ... the vertically-striped target was significantly less attractive than black or white (P < 0.001).

Yes, predators may kill x% of the population per year, but biting flies, potentially transmitting diseases will bite 100% of the population many times per season.
In the overall cost/benefit regime of adaptive options, carnivores as outright killers of a few animals, are likely to be subordinate to massive inoculation by hoards of biting flies.

There is no point arguing these issues. Just design an experiment to exclusively test between these two hypotheses. Given your optical explanations, it should be possible to easily test this using videos on lions, hyenas and flies in zoos.

Posted by tonyrebelo about 2 years ago


Science is based more on interpretation than on experimentation.

This is not to refute the principle that, in Science, prediction and testing of predictions are essential. It is just to remind us that, in a hierarchy of importance in the scientific approach, experimentation is subordinate to a robust, self-consistent conceptual framework.

Science today is in a crisis of confidence, because so many studies (many of them based on an experimental approach) have been found to be irreproducible (,difficult%20or%20impossible%20to%20reproduce.).

I would assume that the same irreproducibility applies to Caro's experiments. Within a sound conceptual framework, experimentation can be informative, and possibly reproducible. However without a sound conceptual framework, no experiment can mean much even if it does prove to be reproducible.

Put another way, a) no experiment can, of and in itself, explain anything, and b) what we need in Biology is not more experimentation, but more deep thinking...

Posted by milewski about 2 years ago

Photo illustrating the topic of predation by spotted hyena on plains zebra vs wildebeests:
This following is particularly nice in showing how the plains zebra looks inconspicuous next to the conspicuously dark wildebeest.
Crocuta crocuta, Connochaetes mearnsi and Equus quagga boehmi:

When the spotted hyena surveys this scene in search of a vulnerable individual to chase, its eyes may tend to be drawn to the wildebeest. This is for three reasons, viz.: a) wildebeest > zebra in numbers, b) wildebeest more cinspicuous, thus easier to spot, than zebra, and c) zebra harder to assess for individual vulnerability owing to confusing flicker of striping in the eyes of hyena.

Posted by milewski about 2 years ago
Posted by milewski about 1 month ago

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