
“Helpful Resources For Anyone Interested In Nature” was created by Ezvid Wiki and showcases iNaturalist Canada as one of the world’s top online resource for nature exploration. Their millions of monthly views are now exposed to iNaturalist Canada. Founded in 2011, Ezvid Wiki was the world's first video wiki, and is now among the top 3,000 websites in the United States. Their YouTube channel has nearly 600,000 subscribers, with over 325 million views since founding.

iNaturalist is frequently mentioned in a variety of local news outlets. We suggest searching Google News for recent examples. Below are some notable examples of broader media coverage about iNaturalist.

2020 July, Trail Times

New mark for Canada Day Nature Challenge

More than 78,000 observations recorded using the iNaturalist Canada platform

2020 May, Empire Advance

Get the app to help identify invasive weeds

This spring people can help contain invasive species that threaten Manitoba’s grasslands and rangelands.

2020 April, Calgary Herald

Citizen science encourages participation in wildlife monitoring.

‘People that are seeing all these increases in animals can be contributing that data so we can be tracking what species are moving where and it's a really great way to learn'

2020 April, CTV News

Canadians reporting more wildlife sightings during COVID-19 isolation

Increased sightings of wildlife have been occurring all across Canada, according to James Page of the Canadian Wildlife Federation.

2020 April, The Weather Network

Discovering nature in your backyard

You don't have to travel far to make new discoveries.

2019 Julyl, CBC News

What’s that bug? How to identify any plant or animal with your smartphone

Citizen science apps are like real-life Pokemon Go, and help save species at risk, scientists say

Contact is a joint initiative of the California Academy of Sciences and theNational Geographic Society.

iNaturalist Canada is led by the Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) along with Parks Canada, NatureServe Canada and the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), which collectively make up the iNaturalist Canada Steering Committee.

You can visit us at:
c/o The Canadian Wildlife Federation
350 Michael Cowpland Dr.
Kanata, Ontario
K2M 2W1

You can email us at


If you're interested in using our brand in press coverage or to link to us, please contact us.

Photo Use

iNaturalist does not own the photos that our users post here, they belong to the people who upload them. Please see our FAQ here about photo use.


“Helpful Resources For Anyone Interested In Nature” was created by Ezvid Wiki (in English only)

iNaturalist est fréquemment mentionné dans les médias locaux. Nous vous suggérons de chercher dans Google News pour des exemples récents. Voici quelques exemples (en anglais) de la couverture médiatique d’iNaturalist.

2020 July, Trail Times

New mark for Canada Day Nature Challenge

More than 78,000 observations recorded using the iNaturalist Canada platform

2020 May, Empire Advance

Get the app to help identify invasive weeds

This spring people can help contain invasive species that threaten Manitoba’s grasslands and rangelands.

2020 April, Calgary Herald

Citizen science encourages participation in wildlife monitoring.

‘People that are seeing all these increases in animals can be contributing that data so we can be tracking what species are moving where and it's a really great way to learn'

2020 April, CTV News

Canadians reporting more wildlife sightings during COVID-19 isolation

Increased sightings of wildlife have been occurring all across Canada, according to James Page of the Canadian Wildlife Federation.

2020 April, The Weather Network

Discovering nature in your backyard

You don't have to travel far to make new discoveries.

2019 Julyl, CBC News

What’s that bug? How to identify any plant or animal with your smartphone

Citizen science apps are like real-life Pokemon Go, and help save species at risk, scientists say

Coordonnées est une initiative conjointe de la California Academy of Sciences et de la National Geographic Society.

iNaturalist Canada est dirigé par la Fédération canadienne de la faune (FCF), en collaboration avec Parcs Canada, NatureServe Canada et le Musée royal de l'Ontario; ils forment ensemble le comité directeur d’iNaturalist Canada.

Pour nous visiter :
a/s Fédération canadienne de la faune
350, promenade Michael-Cowpland
Kanata (Ontario)
K2M 2W1

Pour nous joindre par courriel

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Si vous souhaitez utiliser notre image de marque pour des fins médiatiques ou pour créer un lien sur votre site vers nous, veuillez nous écrire.

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iNaturalist n’est pas propriétaire des photos que les utilisateurs affichent sur le site; elles appartiennent aux personnes qui les ont téléversées. Pour plus de détails à propos de l’utilisation de photos, consultez notre FAQ.

Revised on June 21, 2023 05:58 PM by jpage_cwf jpage_cwf